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  • literally cannot believe we all played a gamemode where you would be killed for having a plastic tub of jaffa cakes in your pocket. we played that shit for years. why was this ever tolerated?

    i wish i could still access the alplands archives there's some threads ive wanted to re-read like the landon murray epilogue and that
    u should re-read the alplands epilogue u never got to do
    Regulation of the flow of information. The state requires knowledge of who has seen what and at what time. Public access is no more.
    just opening the clockwork timecapsule would be a treasure trove for me. even though i was the most stupidest retard back then
    hi dallas i know its really sad but sometimes i sit up at night wondering what the plot of your cancelled borealis conclusion event was going to be could you tell me
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    epistle 3 but in hl2rp basically, and a lot of memory stuff, things in the past, things in the future, it would have been very centered on the characters that made it through
    easier for ukraine to join nato than cunts getting RL these days jesus christ it's like writing a dissertation for the roleplay police and even then you only get observer-status
    imagine if cops chose their rank leaders once a month, and being rank leader was kind of undesirable because any operational failures get blamed on you - and your neck is then on the line for a pk
    '77 East
    '77 East
    rank has it's privileges but the grunts beat the shit out of you for fumbling the big operation to round up some food (the ration machines are broken again) and you have to look over your shoulder constantly because more want to finish the job
    imagine conspiracy and intrigue you'd get once you have a fluid rank system - worked well for generating exciting stuff in cab and when you throw in the fact these guys are essentially a fascist paramilitary you really will get some long knives
    Enmity (the sudan event) is happening rn irl
    we had a guy say our map was gonna be ready for a COMPLETELY different project by due date then just didnt make it so me and baker came up with something in one evening and it turned out to be really racist because we just did the middle east in sudan

    there was absolutely 0 research and the entire document was written up in a collective 2 hours then shipped 3 days later. still our best 128 slotter
    '77 East
    '77 East
    the sand technicals were a nice touch

    shout out to sprite for just not doing his cameraman job and shooting the dictator point blank so we spent the next five hours blending in with the insurgents for our safety
    our original fargo event was gonna be sick im sad we didnt end up getting to do it. no guns to speak of and the cops were gonna be like town park ranger fellas and their barracks were gonna be a radio station

    for example we'd set it up to where like you could only dial to the guy in the radio tower and then he'd have to tell every other cop on duty. no cops could talk to other cops directly. player-driven noir
    *' you are the worst dallas. you are the dallas idiot you are the dallas smell. return to art school. to our pretentious cousings you may come our religious undertones. you may live in the event...do not forget city of the dead .event we kill charlie mcknight fighting rebel REMOVE DALLAS FROM THE EVENT TEAMS IDIOT
    I'm pleased to say that @Blackquill and @alex have accepted my longstanding application to become Head Staff. I look forward to working with them and the rest of the team as we move forward into the future. Neb on, gamers!
    Shinzo Abe dead. I guess this this a more dignified death than falling down the stairs and breaking his neck, being doused with vodka and thrown out a window as he was during Empire (2017)
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