Recent content by Dallas

  1. Dallas

    Serious HL2RP - Moving Forward

    the consequences of a disproportionate police response to throwing a plastic wet floor sign at a scanner
  2. Dallas

    literally cannot believe we all played a gamemode where you would be killed for having a plastic...

    literally cannot believe we all played a gamemode where you would be killed for having a plastic tub of jaffa cakes in your pocket. we played that shit for years. why was this ever tolerated?
  3. Dallas

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

  4. Dallas

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    thanks bro very kind
  5. Dallas

    Garrison 3.1.4 - Super Events and Endings

    is exctictionism the most evil ideology? probably. but it is also the most certain
  6. Dallas

    Garrison 3.1.4 - Super Events and Endings

    Fanatical, fantastic work. My only regret is not getting more into this. It could have well been its own sever. Really interesting.
  7. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

  8. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    I have a pdf of it still but i'll post the summary here:
  9. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    'Half Life Year Zero' (earth is an alien afghanistan) both are serious concepts that could work with a small to middling amount of players
  10. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    i could design something you have never seen before or will see again
  11. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    maybe give the factions to someone who isn't bound by a decade of doctrine and orthodoxy that will inevitably produce the same results i'll run the cops
  12. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    the alplandification of hl2rp
  13. Dallas

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    you are like the japanese soldier stuck on an island fighting the war that ended years ago
  14. Dallas

    Chaebol were robbed

    Chaebol were robbed
  15. Dallas
