Resolved Severely Limit combine deployments in Bucharest

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Mar 13, 2023
You mean the OTA death squads who made the concious decision to retreat rather than mow down everyone present, got chased and sieged for an hour solid to kill them all?

Ngl man if you feel confident enough about these "death squads" to dedicate an hour killing them at their base rather than RPing then I think you can take a bit more S2K on the chin just because its inconvenient.
I feel it makes more sense to route out and destroy the source of the problem for a while of peace, than to beat them back into their TP base and go back to RPing for the fifteen minutes it takes for round two of everyone running back to the same building to camp the combine in it for another twenty minutes.

I don't actually know how long it takes to get from Combine spawn to the city - but maybe just don't put a Combine tp outpost down? At l

Benefits of this are:
1. Combine must regularly commute, thus adding more time for people to RP between raids or OTA spotting.
2. Combine still have a spot to sit and defend a spot as needed, fall back to resupply just not as regularly. Also puts time between raids for people to RP or whatever.
3. Less important, so less reason for people to sit in it or camp outside it for thirty minutes.

1. If the commute is painful, it's not ideal.
2. Rebels still end up with a target to destroy and they will if they want to, so it doesn't really fix that.
3. Rebels might just have an arguably easier target to camp?

Arguably, the same results could be achieved with a set Combine base at the end of the tunnel or something. One that can't be raided. Let Combine defend that and patrol IZ - but patrol less into the city itself. Probably will still end up with shoot outs between NG and OTA over the IZ - however, we could try push the fact that it's an INFESTATION zone, NG/Rebels shouldn't want to rush into the AIDS zone and get AIDS. Combine shouldn't want to waste time taking/receiving pot shots but should be trying to pick off the occasional lazy guard or capture a civilian in the zone to get info.

we literally can't send small sentries out without getting spotted tho, and I'm trying to find something for this faction to do that isn't "ok everyone flag up" every 2 days - and cops don't make a difference either, they have a nigh equal spot rate bar the first time they ever came out when truly nobody was expecting them

devolves into shooting quite quickly, see above - can't even leave without possible shootout

the problem here isn't taking damage from the hoppers or getting rid of them, it's the explosion they make afterwards that trigger everyone to check out all manholes for a possible sweep
Yeah, it's going to be tricky to find a fix for this. That being said, maybe it would just be okay for the Combine action to be a bit slower. Idk what RP Combine get up to, but maybe it's not ideal for them to be S2King every interaction with citizens. I'd argue it's also true for the citizens. Maybe we've just gotten too used to the consistent S2K stuff and need to accept it slowing down.

Also little note I feel had been glossed over is that today the NG were actually an unusually huge force, mostly because they was enough Combine on for our Combine NG players to be able to comfortable stay on NG when stuff went down.
May 18, 2016
either way, the system is working as intended. it just shouldn't be happening 5 times a day

people have gotten a taste of what its like to fight in this map and have understandably gotten carried away on both sides about it, thats fine. growing pains, nothing more. now we find a way to dial it down
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Apr 26, 2016
I do think that it's a little hypocritical to complain that OTA are some death squad who ruined roleplay when you went out of your way to chase them back to their base and spend an hour trying to kill them when you could have broken off the second they ran the fuck off or got to their base.

I get the frustration but if you try and frame this as a "they should suffer too" it's not gonna work out and it's gonna breed resentment.

Both sides have had good shit happen so far, one rough day doesn't invalidate that.


Jul 12, 2016
This is only a personal opinion, but I really don't think the real problem here is rebels helping NG, NG not being aggressive enough, Combine being too OP, any of whatever else you want to add.

I think the way things went tonight (which hey, it was only a night so perhaps I'm worrying for no reason) are going to spiral back to what we keep on orbiting towards, like the previous maps.

Constant and constant fights, eventually forgetting the storyline and then the first few rebels going "wHaT iS oUr pUrPoSe hErE".

It has happened with C24. The primary point of that chapter was rebels needing to go into city undercover. Completely broken after the first two days, the map split into two and a no-mans land where people always fight.

Then comes Agora, once again the premise of two factions to interact with, the Antlion extract runs, the Agoran traders. Broke after a week, with Agora becoming the no mans land and people only logging on when an attack was announced.

The idea I got from this map when reading the storyline was a tyrant government oppressing people, dissent growing into local gangs (the mafia being the most prominent), the rebels having to deal and choose between these two evils. All whilst undercover CPs meddle with the affairs of all included factions.

The first few days went so well, NG constantly oppressing citizens and rebels alike through non violent means (tickets, arrests), the mafia committing their occasional hits on thugs (like Genjo's Tire shop Purple Car incident.

A story was being written and these little events were what redefined the shapes of it.

Then suddenly you get tonight, everybody set their differences aside and we're back to Blue vs Red.

I'm not saying this is necessarily wrong, but at the same time it's not clear to me. Do we intend to do the same things as previous maps?

Get your shit together. Stop trying to balance things. Be mature and work fairly towards writing a story or end up playing team deathmatch again.


Mar 13, 2023
This is only a personal opinion, but I really don't think the real problem here is rebels helping NG, NG not being aggressive enough, Combine being too OP, any of whatever else you want to add.

I think the way things went tonight (which hey, it was only a night so perhaps I'm worrying for no reason) are going to spiral back to what we keep on orbiting towards, like the previous maps.

Constant and constant fights, eventually forgetting the storyline and then the first few rebels going "wHaT iS oUr pUrPoSe hErE".

It has happened with C24. The primary point of that chapter was rebels needing to go into city undercover. Completely broken after the first two days, the map split into two and a no-mans land where people always fight.

Then comes Agora, once again the premise of two factions to interact with, the Antlion extract runs, the Agoran traders. Broke after a week, with Agora becoming the no mans land and people only logging on when an attack was announced.

The idea I got from this map when reading the storyline was a tyrant government oppressing people, dissent growing into local gangs (the mafia being the most prominent), the rebels having to deal and choose between these two evils. All whilst undercover CPs meddle with the affairs of all included factions.

The first few days went so well, NG constantly oppressing citizens and rebels alike through non violent means (tickets, arrests), the mafia committing their occasional hits on thugs (like Genjo's Tire shop Purple Car incident.

A story was being written and these little events were what redefined the shapes of it.

Then suddenly you get tonight, everybody set their differences aside and we're back to Blue vs Red.

I'm not saying this is necessarily wrong, but at the same time it's not clear to me. Do we intend to do the same things as previous maps?

Get your shit together. Stop trying to balance things. Be mature and work fairly towards writing a story or end up playing team deathmatch again.
With all this talk of No Man's Land, I say we just swap to rp_ypres.

I will add though, maybe the tyrant being murdered immediately wasn't the best idea for long-term RP about it. But that's sort of meaningless, odds are the situation would've played out the same.


Apr 26, 2016
Yeah no you do not want cops and OTA in rebel gear.

It won't be the fun you think it is for rebels or NG.
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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020
It has happened with C24. The primary point of that chapter was rebels needing to go into city undercover. Completely broken after the first two days, the map split into two and a no-mans land where people always fight.
wasn't that broken within a literal hour after map swap because rebels refused to lose their guns / go undercover


kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
Constant and constant fights, eventually forgetting the storyline and then the first few rebels going "wHaT iS oUr pUrPoSe hErE".


Get your shit together. Stop trying to balance things. Be mature and work fairly towards writing a story or end up playing team deathmatch again.
Perhaps the best sentences in this entire thread. God bless. Now watch people take absolutely nothing away from them.
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Apr 26, 2016
Yeah what the others have said.

People like this map and like the premise. Just be fair and considerate to eachother and don't dive to tribalism.
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Apr 26, 2016
Most of my points were covered by TedHatty, so I'll keep it curt.

I feel the current bout of criticisms thrown around are symptomatic of a longer-running frustration about the overall dynamic between the different factions.
I uh, hope that was informative enough, in hindsight it may be obvious.


jus one more fing
Aug 28, 2016

insanely unfair, even if you take away all the HUD shit

horrifically unfair, for sure, however if the approach changes to less S2K onslaught and more genuine espionage missions to gather intel, 'blending in' rather than going gung-ho, it could make for a very interesting dynamic where you struggle to trust any rebel.

gives the NG more incentive to go after rebels in a more paranoid way since if Combine are disguising as rebels (likely blacksuits for the ease of management with it and to justify the HUD), then no one with a mask is truly 'innocent' and anyone could be not only a combine sympathiser but a combine agent themselves

the only interactions ive had with combine this map were them shooting from the rooftops. that just plainly isnt fun for me, since im a vort who gets a 170ms ping on average and the fog obscures them enough to where i cant see if i shoot straight ahead but they sure as hell can see me.

in the end for this map the combine shouldn't be trying to push in as a main threat in a boldfistedly open sense. this is a war between the NG and the CTE, the rebels here are to pick sides and to seek a city life, whether they want to back the NG and bring back more law and order to the city or help rise CTE to the top and have Bucharest be ran by the token barons. The actual Combine here shouldn't be getting so involved in S2K, because it isn't their place for it; they should literally be acting like boogeymen hiding in plain sight and acting as this terrifying force not because of their firepower but because of their capability to be hidden within the populace.

also personal opinion OTA shouldn't be on this map. CPs sure, they can blend in well, but OTA don't have a place here. there should be free CP characters for all OTA currently around so the OTA have characters they can hop on to play combine, but in the city the only combine presence that's 'frequent' should be CPs.
Apr 30, 2023
@Sneedsformerlychucks I respect why youre frustrated homie sorry if I came across as a bit of a dick, just don't want anything to fester and people end up dragging what has been a smash hit into the gutter on either end
None taken, In the end there's a small group of people who are doing this and they know who they are and what they're doing. Majority of the combine faction have been fine and the last few days have been fine Aswell. It's just a few people spoiling the bunch.
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Apr 30, 2023
horrifically unfair, for sure, however if the approach changes to less S2K onslaught and more genuine espionage missions to gather intel, 'blending in' rather than going gung-ho, it could make for a very interesting dynamic where you struggle to trust any rebel.

gives the NG more incentive to go after rebels in a more paranoid way since if Combine are disguising as rebels (likely blacksuits for the ease of management with it and to justify the HUD), then no one with a mask is truly 'innocent' and anyone could be not only a combine sympathiser but a combine agent themselves

the only interactions ive had with combine this map were them shooting from the rooftops. that just plainly isnt fun for me, since im a vort who gets a 170ms ping on average and the fog obscures them enough to where i cant see if i shoot straight ahead but they sure as hell can see me.

in the end for this map the combine shouldn't be trying to push in as a main threat in a boldfistedly open sense. this is a war between the NG and the CTE, the rebels here are to pick sides and to seek a city life, whether they want to back the NG and bring back more law and order to the city or help rise CTE to the top and have Bucharest be ran by the token barons. The actual Combine here shouldn't be getting so involved in S2K, because it isn't their place for it; they should literally be acting like boogeymen hiding in plain sight and acting as this terrifying force not because of their firepower but because of their capability to be hidden within the populace.

also personal opinion OTA shouldn't be on this map. CPs sure, they can blend in well, but OTA don't have a place here. there should be free CP characters for all OTA currently around so the OTA have characters they can hop on to play combine, but in the city the only combine presence that's 'frequent' should be CPs.
Literally agree with everything, Sil couldn't of phrased it better myself.

OTA wouldn;'t be an issue if they were a rarity, I'd like to if anything see more Cops and very rarely one grunt or one ordinal as most of them would've been killed in the combat.
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Apr 30, 2016
NG need to be WEARY of rebels

Undercover Cops need to sabotage shit up

the Shadow wizard Money Gang need to FUND more attacks against the NG

There needs to be a Triangle of CONFLICT.

ota come in when the time is right (tm)
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Mar 13, 2023
horrifically unfair, for sure, however if the approach changes to less S2K onslaught and more genuine espionage missions to gather intel, 'blending in' rather than going gung-ho, it could make for a very interesting dynamic where you struggle to trust any rebel.

gives the NG more incentive to go after rebels in a more paranoid way since if Combine are disguising as rebels (likely blacksuits for the ease of management with it and to justify the HUD), then no one with a mask is truly 'innocent' and anyone could be not only a combine sympathiser but a combine agent themselves

the only interactions ive had with combine this map were them shooting from the rooftops. that just plainly isnt fun for me, since im a vort who gets a 170ms ping on average and the fog obscures them enough to where i cant see if i shoot straight ahead but they sure as hell can see me.

in the end for this map the combine shouldn't be trying to push in as a main threat in a boldfistedly open sense. this is a war between the NG and the CTE, the rebels here are to pick sides and to seek a city life, whether they want to back the NG and bring back more law and order to the city or help rise CTE to the top and have Bucharest be ran by the token barons. The actual Combine here shouldn't be getting so involved in S2K, because it isn't their place for it; they should literally be acting like boogeymen hiding in plain sight and acting as this terrifying force not because of their firepower but because of their capability to be hidden within the populace.

also personal opinion OTA shouldn't be on this map. CPs sure, they can blend in well, but OTA don't have a place here. there should be free CP characters for all OTA currently around so the OTA have characters they can hop on to play combine, but in the city the only combine presence that's 'frequent' should be CPs.
Definetely agree with you that main force should be cps. Imo, OTA have been shining for a while in s2k heavy maps, so it's time for CPs to be more in the spotlight.

Arguably could let OTA also go under cover. Though why they'd do that icly I don't really know.
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