Playtest - Day 1 feedback


LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
Question Re: the newest rule,

Does VRDM include trying to play Sumo Wrestling Car Edition, or is it only for sending a pedestrian flying through your windshield at Mach 2?


I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
Question Re: the newest rule,

Does VRDM include trying to play Sumo Wrestling Car Edition, or is it only for sending a pedestrian flying through your windshield at Mach 2?
It's for players that are driving super fast hitting other players constantly, it happens accidentally sometimes of course; doesn't hurt to stop and help the person get medical.
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Apr 26, 2016
It's for players that are driving super fast hitting other players constantly, it happens accidentally sometimes of course; doesn't hurt to stop and help the person get medical.


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017


I really like the aesthetic of the UI, visually it's very appealing and it feels smooth to play -for the most part-, apart from a few little quirks that probably you get used to.

I think some of the keybinds/menus being different for things can be a bit confusing, like using E for some things but mouse4 for other things, Q being the key that gets you out of the trunk instead of E or mouse4 (one of the few outliers).

Over the course of the 2 hours, I found myself having to constantly eat and drink in order to maintain my status to a good standard. If I forgot about it for a while then I had to go and do it again, I would like to see the values altered so you have to eat less often.

I hate being forcefully carried by somebody and not being able to get out, maybe there should be some sort of mechanic like handcuffs mini-game to release yourself?

I'm a big fan of the phone script, it's original and it feels smooth. I would like it so that when you share your phone number to people it was possible to do it to all in the vicinity rather than just an individual, especially if you're trying to share it with a large group it becomes a bit of a hassle. I try to think of it like airdrop or NFC.

In addition, I would like to be able to click on people's shared phone number on my phone when it pops up in the notifications and have it save to my contacts. Unsure if this is intended but we had to manually add each other to contacts after getting the air drop by saving it to our contacts list.

I really liked interacting with the cops, particularly the old man with his goofy ass bike. It was a blast. I wish we could have a bit longer play test next time because I feel like just when we were getting into it and starting to have fun it was over.

I think when you crash into people the pushback is way too high, you can ram into people's car and it will absolutely bulldozer them, I think that should be toned down a bunch since it was a bit mingy (but I had tons of fun with it LOL) :guilty:


I dropped a bandage for somebody and they could not see the white circle on the ground nor get any prompt to pick it up.

I once died from a stabbing outside the delivery job place and when my friend picked me up to carry me to the hospital I glitched through the floor.

When I revived from the stabbing + glitching under the floor, I was unable to get my phone out whatsoever no matter what I did.

I tried making a double call between 2 people, first time it didn't work.
The second time it worked, we were able to talk like as if in a conference call, but when I hung up I could still hear the 2nd person and was unable to get my phone out, they verified that they could still hear me, see that we were in a call and were still able to use their phone properly.

A car was upside down, I started to flip it back and I cancelled it midway but the animation kept playing and I was unable to move. The only option for me to get out of this was to get back into the 'loading' bar to complete the flip.


At the beginning in the character selection screen I dislike how when you click on a menu slider to swap between customisation options it opens a list automatically. I think it would be cool if that system still existed but it was triggered by a right click instead of it being automatic, it was a lot of clutter especially as a fresh starter

The emotes menu is a bit finnicky in that I have to cease every other action in order to open up the menu and scroll to the action that I want. It's not bothersome at all for facial expressions nor for walking style but for acts like putting hands up or getting the clipboard out (hopefully more in the future), it would be awesome if you could keybind them to your hot access bar or something similar. UNLESS there is a way to do that which I'm not aware of. It would be cool to see a way to quickly put my hands up in a jiffy rather than struggle with the menu every time (lest it gets us killed in a tense situation because they think I'm not complying)

I forgot to try this out this test run but the GTA engine makes it so that when you jump you land with extra running speed, some servers counter act this by making it so that if you jump too many times in a row too often, you fall to the ground. I don't know if this is something that has been considered or is already on the server since technically it's an exploit

I hope(?) there isn't a way to press a key that shows people's ID above their head because in the servers that I previously played on it was heavily used to metagame people's location, example if you were hiding in the bushes from the cops or similar, ten times out of ten they would always find you despite it being pitch black through the use of this tool which is intended to be used to make reports on rulebreakers.

The hospital was an instant respawn if you were brought there, unsure if it's intentional for the duration of the play test or if it's planned to be like that in the future but it would be cool to have a small resting timer (180 seconds or something)

Thanks for inviting me, I can't wait for Friday and honestly can't wait for release, I hope it comes sooner than I expect.
After the server went down I tried a couple of other servers (I don't play FiveM) and they left a sour taste in my mouth and yearning for more NebGTA
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I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I tried making a double call between 2 people, first time it didn't work.
The second time it worked, we were able to talk like as if in a conference call, but when I hung up I could still hear the 2nd person and was unable to get my phone out, they verified that they could still hear me, see that we were in a call and were still able to use their phone properly.
This isn't meant to be possible lol, I don't know why it didn't prevent you from making the second call

ps. look for a handheld radio
I forgot to try this out this test run but the GTA engine makes it so that when you jump you land with extra running speed, some servers counter act this by making it so that if you jump too many times in a row too often, you fall to the ground. I don't know if this is something that has been considered or is already on the server since technically it's an exploit
Not terribly concerned about people doing this, will be clamped a little bit if it gets ridiculous
I hope(?) there isn't a way to press a key that shows people's ID above their head because in the servers that I previously played on it was heavily used to metagame people's location, example if you were hiding in the bushes from the cops or similar, ten times out of ten they would always find you despite it being pitch black through the use of this tool which is intended to be used to make reports on rulebreakers.
There is not
The hospital was an instant respawn if you were brought there, unsure if it's intentional for the duration of the play test or if it's planned to be like that in the future but it would be cool to have a small resting timer (180 seconds or something)
It'll be instant when no medics are on duty
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LightKey's Evil twin
GTA RP Playtester
Nov 19, 2016
ps. look for a handheld radio

I can help with this! You can find one by- Oh one second my doorbell just went, it’s real late, I wonder who it is.

Wayne King? Is that you, that’s a nice black bag you got the-
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I do things.
Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016
I would like it so that when you share your phone number to people it was possible to do it to all in the vicinity rather than just an individual, especially if you're trying to share it with a large group it becomes a bit of a hassle. I try to think of it like airdrop or NFC.
That is what it does, just whisper radius (which has now been increased).

In addition, I would like to be able to click on people's shared phone number on my phone when it pops up in the notifications and have it save to my contacts. Unsure if this is intended but we had to manually add each other to contacts after getting the air drop by saving it to our contacts list.
It does pop up with the contact add if you click the notification, it doesn't pre-fill the name intentionally.

I wish we could have a bit longer play test next time because I feel like just when we were getting into it and starting to have fun it was over.
This is fantastic to read, we'll look into possibly extending Day 2 it that's something people want
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I agree with those saying that food and drink could do with running out a little slower. Pretty sure my character has a diet of the average roleplayer considering I ate three donuts, three cans of sprunk and two bags of chips in two hours.
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Loves QA testing
Head Staff
Premium Member
Jun 10, 2016
Forgot to write a reply to this:

- you can hold all of the crates for the delivery job, negating the need for the truck so you can just use whatever speedy car you want
You can hold all the delivery items on your person, however, the delivery vehicle is required to be a certain distance from the Delivery Point for the 'Deliver' option to appear. The vehicle should be required no matter what.

- when I did the garbage job, I couldnt figure out how to get the bag inside the truck. I unequipped it and then it despawned, I was unable to pickup any more garbage bags after that and I couldnt end the job
- make it so when you grab a garbage bag, you can press E at the back of the truck to load it in
I'll see if I can do some tweaks to the Garbage Bag/Garbage Truck to make it a bit easier/clearer.

- make it so when you grab a delivery crate from the truck, it auto equips and you can only have one on you at a time
It ain't really possible to limit you to only having one item of a certain type in your inventory, however I will look at auto-equipping the first delivery item that goes into your inventory, to make it a bit easier.

- replace the yellow stick for lockpicking like a little lockpick looking thing
@Jamie and I are going to be re-doing the lockpick UI/Mini-Game so it should fit a lot better with the style.

Deleted member 906

May 25, 2016
I agree with those saying that food and drink could do with running out a little slower. Pretty sure my character has a diet of the average roleplayer considering I ate three donuts, three cans of sprunk and two bags of chips in two hours.

Agreed. Make it as slow as it is in HL2RP.

Deleted member 2925

pilotbland's best friend
HL2 RP Server Director
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 16, 2017
User Interface:
As I expected, the UI is very well made - everything from the inventory being easy to navigate, to the phone having a small animation for when it’s opened and closed.

What shocked me most here was how fluid everything feels - I didn’t encounter any delay whatsoever when it came to moving items around in my inventory and to my hot-bar. The hot-bar itself is also very responsive when using it for taking out items - overall, in comparison to other prominent servers, nebulous has the upper hand with design, performance, and functionality.

I remember seeing a very flashy character select screen in an older dev update, though that wasn’t there in the playtest. I hope that makes it through to launch.

While I only had time to test out the delivery and taxi jobs, the only complaint I have is that the boxes don’t weigh enough when making deliveries - I was able to hold all of my cargo in my inventory and not have to worry about taking it out from the back of the truck.

Player Interaction:
Since there were only about 20(something) players on, I didn’t really find much opportunity to talk with people, though those who I did interact with, I found it a bit awkward for myself and whoever else was around - I’m assuming it’s due to most of us not being used to using our voice to portray a character, though with time, I’m sure those who feel the same way will become accustomed to making it more natural sounding.

Once again, the UI is what stands out - only thing which I think should be added is a total cost for all the clothing you’re purchasing - If that’s already a thing, I must have just not seen it, so make it more prominent.

I tried robbing a gas station with a knife, but was met with an immortal store clerk and a broken cash register spewing sparks all over - I was probably just doing it wrong.

- I couldn’t figure out how to use my phone camera. I wanted to tweet a picture of me attempting to rob the gas station.

- Increase sprint duration by a little.

- Open the next playtest up for more players, as well as a slightly longer time slot - With more people interacting with each-other and playing around with the features provided, we’re more likely to find bugs.

- Grant the cop whitelist to people y’all trust for a future playtest. Get people testing out those features.

Overall I think there’s a lot of potential, though once everything starts to really kick off and the full launch is scheduled, I do hope to see either an in game, or forum guide to get everyone caught up with how things are done for both the servers gameplay mechanics and roleplay respectively.

As expected, @Jamie is playing a character realistic to his age and mental state.
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Head Staff
Media Developer
Apr 26, 2016
@Jamie is playing a character realistic to his age and mental state.

Correct, although I can’t say the same for you as we’ve not implemented character customisation for increased weight, so you’ll have to play a normal sized human for the time being :)
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Deleted member 2925

pilotbland's best friend
HL2 RP Server Director
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 16, 2017
Correct, although I can’t say the same for you as we’ve not implemented character customisation for increased weight, so you’ll have to play a normal sized human for the time being :)
I should have ran you over when i had the chance
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Mum Looks Like Tracy Beaker
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Agreed. Make it as slow as it is in HL2RP.
Honestly, just doubling the current decay time should be enough. Eating and drinking often is a regular part of any GTA RP, but I don’t want to panic when I run out of burritos.
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Head Staff
Media Developer
Apr 26, 2016
Honestly, just doubling the current decay time should be enough. Eating and drinking often is a regular part of any GTA RP, but I don’t want to panic when I run out of burritos.
Missing out on a big business opportunity, make a food van and sell many burritos
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