Fixed Left-clicking to zoom a news camera while walking forward causes you to sprint forward.


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Description: While trying to record stuff with the news camera, if you're walking forward and want to zoom in by holding left click, you seemingly sprint forward which can make things pretty awkward when trying to get some good shots. I'm wondering if the game is assuming it as if you're holding a weapon and it's tryna swing it or something.

What should occur: Your speed should be unchanged while trying to zoom in while walking and using a camera.

Pre-requisites: A news camera equipped and being actively used.

Repro steps:
1. Walk forward while using the camera.
2. Hold left click to zoom the shot.
3. Observe as you're uncontrollably forced to run forward until you stop trying to zoom.

Supporting evidence:
My encoder was overloaded on OBS so I don't have footage but will grab some tomorrow if the bug persists.
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