Accepted Dara'Vech

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Best Damn ODST
Apr 26, 2016
Steam name: Outkilln

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Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions:
Used to lead it on Neb, I've co-led vorts a bunch of times and I've written a lot of documents in the previous iteration with more of their language in addition to other concepts.

Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?


Character Name:

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
Dara'Vech is harrowed, having fell far from the apogee of contentment after their cluster was wiped out. This blow has rendered them weaker, physically and mentally. Vech is nomadic and reserved, chasing the winding sights of essence that traverse the wind to wherever it may next lead them.

Brief Backstory:
Dara'Vech's story begins in a cluster of Vortigaunts more susceptible to physical vortessence manipulation, tasked with perfecting an innate ability to manipulate physical objects and imbue them with vortessence energy, not so different from a monk using qi but with other objects instead of the body itself. This practice was known only to few, and most faded away with time, slain by the horrific homeworld environment, ridden with all manner of beast and foe. This cluster survived well beyond Earth's invasion with the Nilihanth, and when the Vortigaunts and Humans declared each other allies, the practice this cluster shared was spread briefly to other clusters to utilize in the conflict. When Dara'Vech's cluster was wiped out, they journeyed through many sorrowful storms, carried in the direction of whatever wind was at their back, chasing the guidance of whatever essence spoke to them.

Some downtrodden vortal smith carrying the weight of a dead cluster and a forgotten practice soon to know nothing but void.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?:
None at the moment, though if Dara finds one that aligns with their fallen cluster's shared compass, there's a possibility they shift from their nomadic nature.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:
I do, yes. As detailed in my backstory, Dara'Vech is a smith of sorts that manufactures basic melee weaponry and imbues it with vortessence energy. This is an extremely lengthy process, and the weapon isn't imbued by mere creation, it only obtains the capability of being imbued after being forged or altered in a specific manner. A Vortigaunt has to charge the weapon, giving it a capacity that drains the essence of the user with each use. This practice historically was effective at warding off all manner of terrors that stalked the homeworld, and as such, its use is highly limited and reserved.

(All for roleplay and pure aesthetics, potential to be used in an s2rp event scenario)
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May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: I do, yes. As detailed in my backstory, Dara'Vech is a smith of sorts that manufactures basic melee weaponry and imbues it with vortessence energy. This is an extremely lengthy process, and the weapon isn't imbued by mere creation, it only obtains the capability of being imbued after being forged or altered in a specific manner. A Vortigaunt has to charge the weapon, giving it a capacity that drains the essence of the user with each use. This practice historically was effective at warding off all manner of terrors that stalked the homeworld, and as such, its use is highly limited and reserved.

(All for roleplay and pure aesthetics, potential to be used in an s2rp event scenario)

Granted. You may only perform this once a week.
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