Accepted Application

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Doggo person
Apr 26, 2016

Character name:
Ellie Noonan

Date of birth:
11/07/1996 [American]

Briefly describe your character's background:
Growing up in Sandy shores with a poverty family. Ellie moved to the city to find some better oppertunities- while completely avoiding her home town crackheads trying to sell her crack at 3 am at the local 24/7. She dreams about saving up a good amount of cash to retire and move out to Paleto Bay along the water. She also dreams of having about twenty dogs so she needs to start saving up now cause dogs are expensive.

Why do you want to join the EMS? (IC & OOC):
[IC] Rather than working at GO postal for the rest of my life and hating every second of it. Joining the EMS will help improve my mental health along with some peoples physical and mental health. I know it will be hard but better than just delievering packages all night and day.
[ooc] I just want to ride along and rp as a paramedic.

What are your character's short-term and long-term goals within the EMS?:
Short term would be just to have experience and learn the ways of EMS. Long term is to save up alot of money and have a great career out of it.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?:
Yep, GTARP and HL2RP sadly.

Do you have prior medical experience? (optional):
No not really, I have never roleplayed as a medic before.(Zinger!) 🧍‍♀️

What is your time zone?:
EDT [Cooltimezone]

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal:

Are there any additional details that you would like to share? (optional):
I do have medical rp experience. 🧍‍♀️
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HL2 RP Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Mar 25, 2018
Hello Agitha!

Thank you for applying for EMS. I'm happy to tell you that we've decided to accept your application on your character, Ellie Noonan. Once you got access, please familiarize yourself with our Subforum. Please also join the Discord, and if you're already a part, send me a message or ping me please.

Once you're in-game, please make your way to the Pillbox Hospital and call for staff to whitelist you, please. Thank you, and good luck! See you on the blue side.
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