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  • Thanks for the suggestion, found a party of trainwrecks and it's been fun so far
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    sorry mate i dont recall what this is referring to

    did i tell you to play D&D
    i was bitching to the air about wanting to play dnd and not finding a party and you suggested lfg
    did some digging
    it worked
    if i ever got banned i'd just apologize for the thing i got banned for and take my lumps or something idk

    like when the fuck do actual unlawful bans happen in nebulous lmfao
    as an aside wtf is "self-authing"

    is it an issue if a faction lead sees a need and authorizes the solution on the spot

    is it okay if the faction lead gets someone to request the auth solely so it is not in fact a self-auth

    like ignoring all the other shit idk wtf they want ark to do if he's the one with the rights to authorize stuff for his faction but they don't want him authing stuff for his own faction
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    When it comes to the times it's become a problem in the past, i.e. in the context of a perceived rulebreak, 'self-authing' typically refers to deciding on the spot to grant yourself an exception to your own faction's rules for your own benefit. To put it in slight caricature, it would be like the President of the United States trying to give himself a presidential pardon for a crime committed in-office.
    oh so its less so authorizing sweeps and moreso going "I'm authorizing myself to break the rules"
    Yeah. I'd forgotten that 'internal' staff lingo is about the farthest thing from interchangeable with general discussion. Hope that clears it up.
    reading the neverending drama that occurs daily in the hl2rp section now that i play on the pretty much drama-free gtaRP has given me a new appreciation

    i dont know what im appreciating, but its there
    when i saw your character's face the other day in pd lobby i automatically assume it was you because i thought the skull makeup looked like a sheep and that's why i kept walking up and pointing
    the occasional use of "would" in a /me is perfectly acceptable.
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    '77 East
    '77 East
    "would" in a /me, yes

    "/me would" is terrible, "/me tries to" or "/me considers" are adequate.
    it implies that someone WOULD do something (if) and then doesnt follow up. you can do /me would have done that, but didn't. Or /me definitely would, if given the chance.

    but you cant do /me would pick up the box. /me would pick up the box if what?
    expanding on this with a better example, even anticipatory WOULD works. "/me would have leapt at the gun when given the chance, assuming the other man hadn't gotten there first", then waiting for a reaction
    but would is still not a descriptor for something you are currently doing without an additional noun/conjuction
    gonna pledge allegiance on saturday?
    only americans do that
    the king is supposed to pledge allegiance to the people
    i'm waiting for the rage bait articles for this kind of shit by the end of the week with 3 main words
    woke and meghan markle
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