Accepted vortigaunt gonna need some vortigains

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Jul 28, 2019
Steam name: Russell

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Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: i was a biotic on a server that kept biotics locked in the nexus 24/7, so none
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? yeeup, twice now

Character Name: too pea brain for a actual one, "Locky"

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: Locky is a yes-man type. He's the type to just follow through on most orders, no questions asked. One servitude to another. The painful removal of the ability to fraternize with his kin after such an amount of time would also make him individualistic. What I mean by this is, he's not the "we" or "this one" sort of vort. Individualistic in the sense of a vortigaunt, not a human. He'll still root himself in a group and serve them until it falls apart or they expel him.

Brief Backstory: Biologically, a younger vortigaunt. Originally a slave under the Nihilanith. Essentially, an overworked factory worker. He worked in the production of alien grunts. Of course, it was teleported to Earth, a mere few weeks before the Combine arrived.

During his short time as on Earth before the Combine came, he stayed with his Cluster. Nothing too interesting happened. They only attacked when they were attacked by humans. They were separated upon arrival of the Combine.

It spent the majority of the occupation as a biotic, only recently being freed a bit before the Uprising. Of course, this lifetime of servitude has led him to become subservient to whatever group he serves. In-fact, he once was with a group. The group who broke him out. He stayed with them, roaming the outlands as a hunter with the group. They split after a skirmish with the Combine, and he wandered.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: None, atleast for now. Really any group that I happen to take a liking to in-game.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: I actually think, because of a very long time under the Combine's boot, the power should be weaker. What normally might be a killing blow with a blast of vort-lightning, would be a powerful stun. This is just an example, though.​
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May 18, 2016
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: Locky is a yes-man type. He's the type to just follow through on most orders, no questions asked. One servitude to another. The painful removal of the ability to fraternize with his kin after such an amount of time would also make him individualistic.

Brief Backstory: Biologically, a younger vortigaunt. Originally a slave under the Nihilanith. Of course, it was teleported to Earth, a mere few weeks before the Combine arrived.
It spent the majority of the occupation as a biotic, only recently being freed a bit before the Uprising. Of course, this lifetime of servitude has led him to become subservient to whatever group he serves.

Going to need you to flesh out the above bits more. Don't need to write an essay, just give it more content. Looks a bit too barren right now.

Pending until then.

Character Name: too pea brain for a actual one, "Locky"​

I don't encourage """actual"" vort names so you're more than fine.

E: @avralwobniar thought i should be more specific about what i dont like so heres an autismo essay to help you if you need it

"Locky is a yes-man type. He's the type to just follow through on most orders, no questions asked. One servitude to another. The painful removal of the ability to fraternize with his kin after such an amount of time would also make him individualistic."

you just told me your character is a yes-man and then called him an individualist at the end (the opposite of a yes-man), i'd like to see you describe how these complete opposite traits are reconciled within the character

Biologically, a younger vortigaunt. Originally a slave under the Nihilanith. Of course, it was teleported to Earth, a mere few weeks before the Combine arrived.
It spent the majority of the occupation as a biotic, only recently being freed a bit before the Uprising. Of course, this lifetime of servitude has led him to become subservient to whatever group he serves."

i'd like you to at least briefly mention if he did any specific slave work under the nihilanth, what he did in the time between his teleportation to earth and capture by the combine, if he did anything/served anywhere noteworthy as a slave under the combine, and what sort of groups he ended up being subservient to
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Jul 28, 2019
Going to need you to flesh out the above bits more. Don't need to write an essay, just give it more content. Looks a bit too barren right now.

Pending until then.

I don't encourage """actual"" vort names so you're more than fine.

E: @avralwobniar thought i should be more specific about what i dont like so heres an autismo essay to help you if you need it

"Locky is a yes-man type. He's the type to just follow through on most orders, no questions asked. One servitude to another. The painful removal of the ability to fraternize with his kin after such an amount of time would also make him individualistic."

you just told me your character is a yes-man and then called him an individualist at the end (the opposite of a yes-man), i'd like to see you describe how these complete opposite traits are reconciled within the character

Biologically, a younger vortigaunt. Originally a slave under the Nihilanith. Of course, it was teleported to Earth, a mere few weeks before the Combine arrived.
It spent the majority of the occupation as a biotic, only recently being freed a bit before the Uprising. Of course, this lifetime of servitude has led him to become subservient to whatever group he serves."

i'd like you to at least briefly mention if he did any specific slave work under the nihilanth, what he did in the time between his teleportation to earth and capture by the combine, if he did anything/served anywhere noteworthy as a slave under the combine, and what sort of groups he ended up being subservient to
i have clarified! thank you for your time
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May 18, 2016
i have clarified! thank you for your time

Quite epic

What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: Locky is a yes-man type. He's the type to just follow through on most orders, no questions asked. One servitude to another. The painful removal of the ability to fraternize with his kin after such an amount of time would also make him individualistic. What I mean by this is, he's not the "we" or "this one" sort of vort. Individualistic in the sense of a vortigaunt, not a human. He'll still root himself in a group and serve them until it falls apart or they expel him.

I like the way you wrapped this up, very cool dynamic to be 'severed' and 'subservient' at the same time. Your inexperience is clear in your writing but this shows a lot of promise


Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify: I actually think, because of a very long time under the Combine's boot, the power should be weaker. What normally might be a killing blow with a blast of vort-lightning, would be a powerful stun. This is just an example, though.​

Granted in S2RP. For S2K engagements just refrain from using some of your vort SWEP abilities (up to you which).
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