thoughts and speculations


american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
idk if there would be a better place for this
figure i'd rather pool my idiocy into a single thread dedicated to containing it rather than letting it spill out into conversation and spamming my status and bothering people, just an outlet or something so that i can post whatevers on my mind and maybe anyone intrigued by the machinations of my brain can chip in if they wanna
no format, no routine, no overarching topic

been playing some fallout 4 as of late with a mod called PLUNDER and i got the difficulty set to survival, which means that i can't save anywhere but a bed and it has begun to highlight some of the silliness of fallout 4. i have no doubt it's just me alongside the difficulty of the mod PLUNDER which changes combat to essentially be 1 shot 1 kill. my experiences with it that i would describe as unsatisfactory would mostly just be bethesda's goofy placement of enemies and the strange AI that i have to work with. i watched key play hardcore22 for cyberpunk which led me to wanting to do something similar that can be ran on my 1926 toaster, and he found PLUNDER and we're both doing our own playthroughs now

ive also had the displeasure of engaging with fallout 4's legendary enemies which seems so cheap and silly and weird that i need to essentially battle a time lord, where if i don't hurt them enough they regenerate and get stronger and i shit myself and run away screaming, i watched key chuck a land mine at a stairwell to kill an enemy behind a wall and it detonates in his face which i admit is funny but also extremely infuriating when you've not been at a bed in like 30 minutes to an hour real time. where his excursions into the commonwealth end with him dying to something like that, or getting nailed by a lucky shot from an enemy, my runs have tended to end more often than not by some raider popping out of cover with a fat man and they fire it in my general direction and successfully turn me to paste

i mean i guess that's pretty realistic, if you had a launcher that chucked a miniature nuclear bomb and you don't wanna peek your head out for too long just for it to get shot. that's not to say it's all bad, it's just those tiny few things and probably some others im not currently thinking about because im wondering if writing a thread like this is stupid or something but the mod itself is really fun if you're into being tacticool and surviving and properly planning your next move in the wasteland. it gives a feeling of dread and insecurity about what it is you're doing and where you're going because one wrong move or getting way too comfortable means that you can end up stepping on a trap and exploding or turning a corner and getting sprayed down by an enemy. it keeps me on my toes in a way i haven't really experienced in other games simply because of the save system. it can be a little frustrating dying and needing to walk all the way back but fallout 4's map isn't like giant so needing to trek back isn't gut wrenching

i like it
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
today i visit the dentist to get my wisdom tooth checked out but what i must wonder is how we got to this point physically to require them to be yoinked out

it's not that it's grown in badly, all of my wisdom teeth actually grew in perfectly fine but they're in such a bad spot and my oral hygiene has been so utterly ass that unfortunately, as i more than likely deserve, i have developed a rather gnarly cavity that hurts

thankfully antibiotics and pain relievers are my friend in this scenario and while im afraid to have it pulled eventually im looking forward to it being gone so that i can chew with the right side of my mouth again without a searing pain

my fear mainly comes from two things, that being the possibility of the procedure breaking my jaw or something terrible, and the weird cringey thought of having a hole in my mouth thats gonna clot up and be all nasty

it's just so strange but this is not something i want to experience again so im going to pamper my remaining wisdom teeth so that they don't need to be divorced from my body
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
Dentist was very very nice. Better than the ghetto dentist I went to a long time ago because we had a discount. Doesn't that sound kind of weird? A discount at a place that deals with your teeth?

They gave my molars some fillings but honestly it could very well be because I just didn't keep up with my oral hygiene that the fillings ended up getting worse

But I am getting my right lower and possibly upper wisdom teeth removed soon so that'll be good maybe I can use it as an excuse to not talk or something stupid like that

Removed around September tho because people are in my same situation because the only wisdom that wisdom teeth impose upon me is the wisdom to deal with horrible mouth pain 😭

Also clear braces and metal braces have the most crazy price difference, it was like a thousand dollar difference, clear being more expensive than metal

i like it
i hate it
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Deleted member 906

May 25, 2016
Thanks lol I just wanna give yall something to read and contain my silliness here instead of making an ass of myself like I used to 🫡

I had very little interaction with you, only ever briefly on Tel'e'Vision. But aside from that you're a mystery to me, so having an insight into your goings on is fascinating.
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
sometimes i look at games like cyberpunk 2077 and think "WOW wouldnt it be awesome to have a city roleplay game in something like this???" akin to like, gta world, i guess, for example. ive never touched gta world en masse because of how uber serious i hear it can be with the reports and shit and probably how businesses work, i might be wrong, no doubt i really am probably looking at it in a backwards way that somebody could probably explain to me if i sat down and listened to them, and also the fact it is basically just real life roleplay but i look at something like cyberpunk and night city and the cool lore behind that and think "wow it would be pretty cool to be a criminal in something like night city where i could have mantis blades and become cyberpsycho and get mowed down by max-tac"

ive also been keeping a keen interest in the mods for fallout NV and skyrim like fallout multiplayer and skyrim together because theres a little part of me that would like to see on the bizarre engines of both games, somehow, another open world massive roleplay server, with text and stuff like that. i would love to play as a follower of the apocalypse for new vegas, or a wandering mage/college of winterhold mage/legion mage (which i am most inclined towards) in skyrim

unfortunately the reality of the world is the fact that these two games are unlikely to get any sort of stable massive 1000 player server running any time soon, simply because they are on a bethesda engine and that shit is more unstable than communist chinese architecture and installing more than 10 mods or something causes the games to begin altering the atomic structure of many natural facets of life
but that shit would be awesome and if i am missing something like an already existing new vegas/skyrim roleplay server on the actual games themselves please throw a bone to me because oh my good jesus that would be awesome

it did however just occur to me that i believe there are rdr2 rp servers? i think most of them are voice though from what i recall but maybe theres a few text ones out there that ive never really seen mainly because i never look because i cant run rdr2 without turning my computer into an electric heater. it would definitely be something i possibly delve into when i get a better pooter because being a lawman in valentine or something, or a roaming marshal, or maybe even one of them frontier us army fellows would be pretty cool. i like the idea of rp in past history/future history. plus the gunplay in rdr2 is pretty good so thats nice


Mar 26, 2017
sometimes i look at games like cyberpunk 2077 and think "WOW wouldnt it be awesome to have a city roleplay game in something like this???" akin to like, gta world, i guess, for example. ive never touched gta world en masse because of how uber serious i hear it can be with the reports and shit and probably how businesses work, i might be wrong, no doubt i really am probably looking at it in a backwards way that somebody could probably explain to me if i sat down and listened to them, and also the fact it is basically just real life roleplay but i look at something like cyberpunk and night city and the cool lore behind that and think "wow it would be pretty cool to be a criminal in something like night city where i could have mantis blades and become cyberpsycho and get mowed down by max-tac"

ive also been keeping a keen interest in the mods for fallout NV and skyrim like fallout multiplayer and skyrim together because theres a little part of me that would like to see on the bizarre engines of both games, somehow, another open world massive roleplay server, with text and stuff like that. i would love to play as a follower of the apocalypse for new vegas, or a wandering mage/college of winterhold mage/legion mage (which i am most inclined towards) in skyrim

unfortunately the reality of the world is the fact that these two games are unlikely to get any sort of stable massive 1000 player server running any time soon, simply because they are on a bethesda engine and that shit is more unstable than communist chinese architecture and installing more than 10 mods or something causes the games to begin altering the atomic structure of many natural facets of life
but that shit would be awesome and if i am missing something like an already existing new vegas/skyrim roleplay server on the actual games themselves please throw a bone to me because oh my good jesus that would be awesome

it did however just occur to me that i believe there are rdr2 rp servers? i think most of them are voice though from what i recall but maybe theres a few text ones out there that ive never really seen mainly because i never look because i cant run rdr2 without turning my computer into an electric heater. it would definitely be something i possibly delve into when i get a better pooter because being a lawman in valentine or something, or a roaming marshal, or maybe even one of them frontier us army fellows would be pretty cool. i like the idea of rp in past history/future history. plus the gunplay in rdr2 is pretty good so thats nice
red dead rp has two clients for it and apparently one is really sus in the things you have to install for it according to someone who tried it, but it works
Skyrim also has Harbor which is (only used it three years ago) a way to play with other people in a drop-in/drop-out way. doesn't have anything like mod synchronization but if YOU have a mod and ANOTHER guy has a mod it'll just work. used a massive modlist with friends to play it for a few days and worked well. had zero issues with it too.
that's about it for what you're getting for a city environment roleplay for now, though. only other option is older MMO's at this point if you wanted to be a part of a world that feels more living/breathing, sans the cityscape environment. there's dozens for that, spread around the internet. come play final fantasy eleven

Of course, There's also a good sum of multi-user dungeons that are still quite popular in the modern day, probably. Haven't done research in some-ought years but I know there was a very popular cyberpunk one a while back set in a very-sprawling city. THOSE might be worth trying to look into.
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
red dead rp has two clients for it and apparently one is really sus in the things you have to install for it according to someone who tried it, but it works
Skyrim also has Harbor which is (only used it three years ago) a way to play with other people in a drop-in/drop-out way. doesn't have anything like mod synchronization but if YOU have a mod and ANOTHER guy has a mod it'll just work. used a massive modlist with friends to play it for a few days and worked well. had zero issues with it too.
that's about it for what you're getting for a city environment roleplay for now, though. only other option is older MMO's at this point if you wanted to be a part of a world that feels more living/breathing, sans the cityscape environment. there's dozens for that, spread around the internet. come play final fantasy eleven

Of course, There's also a good sum of multi-user dungeons that are still quite popular in the modern day, probably. Haven't done research in some-ought years but I know there was a very popular cyberpunk one a while back set in a very-sprawling city. THOSE might be worth trying to look into.
yeah i tried skyrim together recently with key and agitha and we played through it pretty smoothly, it wasnt perfect, there was the occasional crash and quest fuck-up but i mean, youre going to get that with a bethesda game. the weirdest part was when i crashed during the college of winterhold quest line and it completely corrupted the area of the map where windhelm is and any time i got close to it my game would just close

ive not taken a hard look into any older mmos, i used to play elder scrolls online pretty regularly but eventually it sort of just hit me like hey there's nothing else to really do here besides dungeons and the rest of them seem to be locked behind paid dlc that i need to either pay monthly for or dish out a pretty penny for the entire dlc overall and i just got bored with it.

ive seen stuff like multi user dungeons and those seem a little intimidating, but im a bit slow so i imagine the reality behind it is that its probably easy to navigate like a chat room or something like that. the benefit of stuff like that is that any sort of roleplay setting is possible because its just text on a screen. i imagine the turn off (which sounds like a bit of a harsh word but i dont mean it that way) is the fact that it is only text. some people that arent immediately intrigued by something like that might need a bit of a push but honestly i would totally take a shove into that sort of world instead of being invited into games by some of my friends of the past and then told to go have fun and figure it out myself


Mar 26, 2017
yeah i tried skyrim together recently with key and agitha and we played through it pretty smoothly, it wasnt perfect, there was the occasional crash and quest fuck-up but i mean, youre going to get that with a bethesda game. the weirdest part was when i crashed during the college of winterhold quest line and it completely corrupted the area of the map where windhelm is and any time i got close to it my game would just close

ive not taken a hard look into any older mmos, i used to play elder scrolls online pretty regularly but eventually it sort of just hit me like hey there's nothing else to really do here besides dungeons and the rest of them seem to be locked behind paid dlc that i need to either pay monthly for or dish out a pretty penny for the entire dlc overall and i just got bored with it.

ive seen stuff like multi user dungeons and those seem a little intimidating, but im a bit slow so i imagine the reality behind it is that its probably easy to navigate like a chat room or something like that. the benefit of stuff like that is that any sort of roleplay setting is possible because its just text on a screen. i imagine the turn off (which sounds like a bit of a harsh word but i dont mean it that way) is the fact that it is only text. some people that arent immediately intrigued by something like that might need a bit of a push but honestly i would totally take a shove into that sort of world instead of being invited into games by some of my friends of the past and then told to go have fun and figure it out myself
might be your alley then. I unfortunately have very little knowledge of any MUD's whatsoever in the modern day, so I can't really offer much in terms of advice or information regarding them. However, I-- actually i might.
There are a FEW problem ones that exist but were shafted or are essentially running on fumes - and by fumes i mean 6-8 people playing it like it's a dedicated gmod rp server. Problems come from the players on those spare few having their cliques and whatnot, it's the same as gmod rp yadda yadda.
There totally SHOULD be some out there that're populated, though. Either by boomers who've been playing it for 10-20-30 years or whatever.
The rebel discord has a handful of people who've had thousands of hours of experience in Neverwinter Nights, too, so I'd join there and ask some vague questions to see which of them fall for the bait and talk about it more. Might be able to hunt down a good server that way.

Of course, that's if roleplay is your thing - I always perpetually recommend Final Fantasy Eleven (FFXI that's Final Fantasy Eleven circa 2001) because it's a realized game, and scratches the exploration itch I have. Still very much a game you can experience the world and content in at your own pace, alongside having music/graphics/atmosphere/unique events from when square was at their peak (you see a rainbow when someone gets their summoner job! which takes the time of day and weather syncing up. and the weather is synced to japan's weather...). It even got a huge boon of players due to the pandemic shelving everyone inside, as did thousands of other MMO's.

Still, though, there's older MMO's rekitted to be RP servers, and Neverwinter Nights is one of the most famous ones. I think Asheron's call still has a large enough playerbase too, and there's always people on Everquest. I can't speak from experience on any of these, however.


american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
might be your alley then. I unfortunately have very little knowledge of any MUD's whatsoever in the modern day, so I can't really offer much in terms of advice or information regarding them. However, I-- actually i might.
There are a FEW problem ones that exist but were shafted or are essentially running on fumes - and by fumes i mean 6-8 people playing it like it's a dedicated gmod rp server. Problems come from the players on those spare few having their cliques and whatnot, it's the same as gmod rp yadda yadda.
There totally SHOULD be some out there that're populated, though. Either by boomers who've been playing it for 10-20-30 years or whatever.
The rebel discord has a handful of people who've had thousands of hours of experience in Neverwinter Nights, too, so I'd join there and ask some vague questions to see which of them fall for the bait and talk about it more. Might be able to hunt down a good server that way.

Of course, that's if roleplay is your thing - I always perpetually recommend Final Fantasy Eleven (FFXI that's Final Fantasy Eleven circa 2001) because it's a realized game, and scratches the exploration itch I have. Still very much a game you can experience the world and content in at your own pace, alongside having music/graphics/atmosphere/unique events from when square was at their peak (you see a rainbow when someone gets their summoner job! which takes the time of day and weather syncing up. and the weather is synced to japan's weather...). It even got a huge boon of players due to the pandemic shelving everyone inside, as did thousands of other MMO's.

Still, though, there's older MMO's rekitted to be RP servers, and Neverwinter Nights is one of the most famous ones. I think Asheron's call still has a large enough playerbase too, and there's always people on Everquest. I can't speak from experience on any of these, however.
ive seen neverwinter nights through like, gameplay videos and its kind of intrigued me because of the top-down style. which reminds me of zomboid a bit i know zomboid isn't breaking new ground being original with that style but thats all. zomboid text rp would be pretty cool too and that i am positive exists its just a bit of a journey to actually find one. i always figured if i ever did zomboid rp id wanna rip off fallout 76 and make like a responders esque faction thats made up of first responders

resized logo that i found online and recolored a little bit just incase that ever happened

the stuff i've heard of final fantasy mmos is that theyre kind of a breeding ground for sexy sex kissing fondle roleplay but im probably just hearing the bad parts of things instead of all the good. although i have not heard of any actual roleplay on final fantasy, so im not sure what to really expect. neverwinter nights sounds kind of cool though because i think its sort of based off of d&d sets and i like stuff like that because i could probably roleplay casting fireball and thats enough for me to get interested in something. its all i played in skyrim together was a mage and i chucked fireballs at anything that bothered me/us
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Mar 26, 2017
ive seen neverwinter nights through like, gameplay videos and its kind of intrigued me because of the top-down style. which reminds me of zomboid a bit i know zomboid isn't breaking new ground being original with that style but thats all. zomboid text rp would be pretty cool too and that i am positive exists its just a bit of a journey to actually find one. i always figured if i ever did zomboid rp id wanna rip off fallout 76 and make like a responders esque faction thats made up of first responders

resized logo that i found online and recolored a little bit just incase that ever happened

the stuff i've heard of final fantasy mmos is that theyre kind of a breeding ground for sexy sex kissing fondle roleplay but im probably just hearing the bad parts of things instead of all the good. although i have not heard of any actual roleplay on final fantasy, so im not sure what to really expect. neverwinter nights sounds kind of cool though because i think its sort of based off of d&d sets and i like stuff like that because i could probably roleplay casting fireball and thats enough for me to get interested in something. its all i played in skyrim together was a mage and i chucked fireballs at anything that bothered me/us
Neverwinter nights, then. I only ever recommend FFXI because it's my white-whale game I never got into as a kid, chasing a nostalgia I'll never have. It's also just neat to walk around and explore, kinda like Second Life. But there's not much roleplay to be found, if any.
14 is the one with wierdos in it. Eleven has a barrier of entry in having to install an old client called PlayOnline which acts as a launcher for it. But nobody in Eleven is a weirdo anymore in the sexy-sex way.
NWN has a good amount of servers split between the original Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2, so there's more than enough for you to try a platter and see which suits your taste. I've never heard anyone dog its magic system either, so maybe it's good.
NWN was also free on GOG before and is on GOG perpetually and goes on sale quite a bit. Can probably pirate it if money's uber-tight too.
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
neverwinter nights is pretty cool once you wrap your head around 3-3.5e dnd mechanics and/or lore (if you are playing on a public server)
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017

what is the psychological explanation behind why i cannot stop listening to portal 2 music? specifically your precious moon, whilst i like a lot of the other tracks from the OST i always come back to your precious moon for whatever reason or another. it's just got this ominous cool feeling that i can't quite put down because i am not a music fanatic and i can't exactly pinpoint where the g minor intersects with the bass line etc or something.

it entrances my monkey brain in ways some other songs cant do. now is probably a good time to divulge that i don't have the most broad range of music tastes and for a few weeks to a month or perhaps even longer i will linger on the same handful of songs because they please my brain and allow me to think up awesome, totally plausible scenarios that would definitely happen. i suppose this isn't the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre thing to ever be said because i know other people listen to music and think of cool shit all the time but still.

it's either portal 2 music, a game ost, an actual song that i found from a game, or normal music that i genuinely just sort of vibe with. i think the only band i really dig is breaking benjamin but i think that can sort of be tracked down to the fact that blow me away was in halo 2 and i love halo and the dominos began to topple and now i just like breaking benjamin's music overall. maybe it's a way for me to get into other music, it's a bit of a crappy way sure, probably a little bit weird too or something, but it lets me explore new tunes that i haven't heard before. i have no doubt though that i'll continue listening to your precious moon however on repeat and imagining bizarre cool science scenarios.

i still have a deep dark love for sci-fi science thingy-magicks like in half life, or portal, or cyberpunk, although ill sort of extend the hand to things like magic from the elder scrolls as well because that's sort of those worlds version of science. as of recent ive began to sort of see that the science aspect of roleplay is pretty difficult to bullshit things up about unless you're genuinely knowledgeable and for the most part i am very much not. a lot of the shit i would come up with was bullshitted and, while that is fun, the illusion quickly shatters once people begin to look too quickly into it, or once somebody with an iq greater than my own (which is a majority) stumbles upon it and points out the flaw.

mayhaps i might do something science related once gtarp releases but im not too sure, the difference between what i used to do on half life and what i might be able to do in a real life setting isn't the greatest gap, but it's still considerable. while i was able to work with things like green magic, or things like hover tech, or pulse guns, i would need to ground my projects greatly. i have a smidgeon of hope because of things like gta online's cool dlc tech, but it would need to be grounded, again. so, things like the hover bikes i would probably not bother with but the things like the railgun.

problem with that is that i can't really think of anything else other than that because whilst gta online has a crap ton of cool stuff, it's not exactly pushing the envelope of sciencey stuff. it's all stuff that's usually inspired by real life shit. like the new helicopters being apaches or something. i've not thought about it too much either, so maybe there's something i'm glancing over, or not thinking of. that's all if i decide to do anything but otherwise im gonna keep to hopefully being cop man or fat burger shot employee
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017



space engine is a mighty cool little simulator/tool/game(?). i got it a little while back when i was briefly really interested in astronomy but i still occasionally pop into it every once in a while because of just how expansive it is. it simulates the entire universe, millions of galaxies, probably a billion more planets and other little doo-dads that i just think is really cool

it can give you some really awesome views if you can figure out how to use the photo mode like i haven't, but still zooming around space at whatever speed you would like is cool, because at a certain point shit gets randomly generated and it's not real, but it still looks real, like the earth-like planet i posted at the top, that's not real. but that sort of stuff is all around the universe in space engine. not like, everywhere, like no mans sky where every planet you can breathe on and has water and air and stuff

looking at planets and then peeking past it and seeing a particularly bright star isn't like "oh hey a texture" its like "oh hey. a star. i am going to go there." and then you do. todd. anyways

it's always fun for me at least to travel by hand and try to find earth-like planets. i don't get very lucky obviously because those things are like one in a million, but i can get kind of close with oceans of methane and stuff like that. i know i keep saying stuff like that like you expect to know what it is im talking about, im not being very educating here but i also haven't turned on space engine in a little while so i've forgotten the intricacies of space

i've also beein playing a little bit of red orchestra 2 and rising storm 2, i wish antimatter hadn't shut down because i was looking forward to 83 being a cold war gone hot type deal and all. a modern-ish RO style vidya would have been awesome sauce. maybe they'll get picked up or something, i don't know though im not a business expert but i can wish and hope

its pretty fun just shooting at people and feeling like a cog in the machine. i like the maps a little bit more in red orchestra two because they feel a bit more conventional, like pushing through a city, over a bridge, compared to rising storm 2's which really just kind of feel like jungle chaos with nothing to really discern the front line. though that may perhaps be the point given it is vietnam and it was crazy over there

i also just recalled this but does anyone here love the slog of MMO's and also stalker and lives in the north american region because i think i wanna try stalcraft again but not by myself
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Deleted member 906

May 25, 2016



space engine is a mighty cool little simulator/tool/game(?). i got it a little while back when i was briefly really interested in astronomy but i still occasionally pop into it every once in a while because of just how expansive it is. it simulates the entire universe, millions of galaxies, probably a billion more planets and other little doo-dads that i just think is really cool

it can give you some really awesome views if you can figure out how to use the photo mode like i haven't, but still zooming around space at whatever speed you would like is cool, because at a certain point shit gets randomly generated and it's not real, but it still looks real, like the earth-like planet i posted at the top, that's not real. but that sort of stuff is all around the universe in space engine. not like, everywhere, like no mans sky where every planet you can breathe on and has water and air and stuff

looking at planets and then peeking past it and seeing a particularly bright star isn't like "oh hey a texture" its like "oh hey. a star. i am going to go there." and then you do. todd. anyways

it's always fun for me at least to travel by hand and try to find earth-like planets. i don't get very lucky obviously because those things are like one in a million, but i can get kind of close with oceans of methane and stuff like that. i know i keep saying stuff like that like you expect to know what it is im talking about, im not being very educating here but i also haven't turned on space engine in a little while so i've forgotten the intricacies of space

i've also beein playing a little bit of red orchestra 2 and rising storm 2, i wish antimatter hadn't shut down because i was looking forward to 83 being a cold war gone hot type deal and all. a modern-ish RO style vidya would have been awesome sauce. maybe they'll get picked up or something, i don't know though im not a business expert but i can wish and hope

its pretty fun just shooting at people and feeling like a cog in the machine. i like the maps a little bit more in red orchestra two because they feel a bit more conventional, like pushing through a city, over a bridge, compared to rising storm 2's which really just kind of feel like jungle chaos with nothing to really discern the front line. though that may perhaps be the point given it is vietnam and it was crazy over there

i also just recalled this but does anyone here love the slog of MMO's and also stalker and lives in the north american region because i think i wanna try stalcraft again but not by myself

Not my proudest tug, but decent nonetheless. Keep it coming Chez.