The Anthem Of Bone, A Marauder Tribe.


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Aug 11, 2017


“A man devoid of hope and conscious of being so has ceased to belong to the future”

– Albert Camus.

The Anthem Of Bone.

Lead - @Northgate
Wrote by - @Zeenz & @Amiromo

Part 1 - Bone work Lexicus.

“Fear not the machine, for it was made with blood, sweat and tears. Fear those who would insult humanity’s creation! De-voiding it of its human spirit, replacing it with a false machine spirit.”


The teachings of The Anthem Of Bone and its belief in the Bonework Lexicus is a simple one. The Almighty created everything equal, from the birds to the trees. The ebb and flow of the water to the winds which howl in the night. Then it created us. Mankind. Humankind. Better, faster, stronger. Excelling in all fields. Not because of the tools we wielded, but for our blood and guts.

But as soon as The Anthem Of Bone saw the weakness in their flesh, it disgusted them, they sought a new power, the one beneath the skin, beneath the flesh, for what was the Almighties vision, what did it place beneath the flesh and blood? Bone. For the children, the women and men of Bone do not need rescuing, they do not need to pray to the false gods, the machine gods. For they pursue a different one, the Almighty and the Forefathers who now possess the Bone Lexicus.

Part 2 - Bonework Adaption.


“The spirit of man lives within the machine. Whenever a soul falls, it finds itself in the empty husks of our creation; it helps guide and correct the ways of functions within our mechanism. The spirit that once inhabited this man, is now but flesh to be carrion of humanity; for now, his spirit moves on to aid our guns and mend the ways of the abominations of the Combine manifestation” – Funeral sermon by the field shamans.

Bonework Lexicus is a school of thought when compared to Bonework Adaption. Adaption is where the Anthem Of Bone works best. The Shaman can call upon the deceased to help the fight against the Combine regime and the machine spirits, fighting back the horde of technology, for it is the spirits of thy forefathers to protect and guide us and our flesh-clockworks.

Some of the greatest works of this Adaption is of course The Shaman Staff, the very tool which the shaman uses to talk and guide our fallen spirits into the fight against the mechanisms, or to guide the lost souls of the Combine during the Great Purge to reclaim the now lost spirit and soul.

The Anthem Of Bone has also perfected the ways of mechanisms themselves, claiming their fallen kin help control and return the machines below them once again, helping regain control and keep them in line, however, rituals and sacrifices are needed to keep the flow Intact. An eye for an eye, a soul for a soul.

Part 3 - Bonework Retalia.


“Harden your carapace with naught just steel, but the blessed bones of your brethren”

To fight the machine spirit and reclaim the unworthy vassal one must fight it on two fronts, by body and soul. Whilst the young draw the symbol of bone onto the mechanised chest, using the ground-up bone of either an unworthy or a fallen comrade, they also create a ring around it similar to a sundial, the truest form of natural mechanism. Whilst the war on the body is fought, the Shaman fights the soul, using the prayer of reclamation sung by both the shaman and tribe.


Thus we invoke the Forefathers of All the Spirits.

[Toll the bell once]

Shed Your flesh, reveal your Bone.

[Toll the bell twice]

Fight this device with Your holy spirit.

[Sprinkle the oil and burn the incense]
The Almighty created all bodies unique for a certain purpose, to take it away from this purpose is unjust and thus the Bonework Engineers must repair the cores of our human body, using cocktails made with bone dust and primitive techniques, they are able to stabilise the body, then call upon the power of the Almighty to fight for their brethren in the Carirn to return them, this is the Prayer Of Revase sang to the injured to return them to the land of the living.

Although flesh may blacken and fail, fear not, for the bone persists.

Your body may falter, your bone stays strong.

Your Bone strong, your spirit Eternal.

Part 4 - Osseous Legion.

“The battle for souls is not only fought with our tongues and pens, brothers and sisters, but with swords and bullets. Heed the call to arms, followers of the Indomitable Human Spirit; the followers of false deities are following the deceit of the machine spirit”

The men and women from the anthem of Bone follow battle with a primary focus on using long-distance weaponry, albeit they will resort to close combat when it is seen as the duty of a warrior. Most soldiers of the anthem of Bone, officially call their army “The Osseous lesion”, from the Latin word for bone. Ossification is holy to these warriors of the legion. At times you will see their banners fixed with skeletons, be it skulls or ribcages, sometimes an entire skeleton made to pose in positions of prayer; these totems of the spirit of Man are never allowed to fall to the ground, for mimicking their origins of the Insurrectionist of Sisyphus, the will of man never falters in times of hardship.

They are uniformed and it would be forgiven for anybody to think that they are a modern army, the obvious hints that give them the traits of being legionnaires of Osseous is how they incorporate skulls and other skeletal frames to their uniforms, adding wings to symbolise the elevated state of someone's spirit of the fight. They do in fact carry a hierarchy of rank, however many times this is not important, as the individual is not required to have transparency unless it is of utmost importance.


; Unaffiliated order: Usually one of penance rather than outright joining. At the bottom of the ranks; either captured enemies who chose the penance route or those who see themselves as sinners against the Indomitable Human Spirit, these men and women, whatever their origins are, seek redemption and the return of their soul whole.



The praying husk “I desire only redemption in your light”

Legionary; Unaffiliated order: The average warrior of Osseous, they are noted with their military fatigues and whatever choices of ornaments they desire to adorn on their uniform, such as a necklace of bones.



First skull of the Apostle


Two skulls of the Bishop


Three skulls of the cardinal

Bone Chaplain; Order of Priests: Seen as officers of the army, they command individual units when on the field and ordered by their superior. They hold religious rites and assist ordinary warriors in finding the faith of the Indomitable Human spirit on the field when required. They do not interfere unless they denote faithlessness.



Three skulls pierced through a spear “Follow like vultures, for I am the carrion for the faith.”

Ossifiers; Order of Bonemarrow: Seen as medics of the Anthem of Bone, they are unique in that they do not only just do medical healing, but they find ways to improve upon the human body, so as to elevate the quality of human warfare the will of the Indomitable human spirit.

The caduceus anointed with the human skull

Tech Shaman; Order of Calcium
: Keepers of the technology, they make sure that everything is up to date and not falling apart. They see machines created by man as holy, as it was made in the image that humanity desired, therefore it was the spirit that chose it. They hunt technology and lead warriors to capture many such artefacts, at times combine in nature, as they see a uniquely human trait in everything that mankind can use. They are usually seen blessing the engines of vehicles and easing the spirits within machines to combat the influence of the corrupting machine spirit.



A skull within the machine cog “What man touches and manifests has their soul imprinted in them”

Field Shaman: Seen as conduits of the highest Shaman, these men are seen approaching to do funeral rites and make sure that the dead may find rest where the spirit so desires to go. Unlike the rest of their flock, these men will always carry a highly ornamented staff gifted from the High Shaman, said to hold onto a connection to the Almighty spirit.



Concealed skull “Kill the messengers of baal, for they carry lies of the machine spirit”

High Shaman: Seen as the commander of the entire Anthem of Bone, he carries the staff that connects the realm of man through him, as he is seen as spiritually connected to the Almighty. The High Shaman's role is to be like every order in one; he is a preacher, a warrior and a mechanic in one.



Concealed skull with arrows and a righteous sword “Faithful, enlightened, ambitious brethren.”
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"The indomitable human spirit refers to the qualities that make humans unique, such as our determination, perseverance, and ability to overcome challenges. These qualities are often associated with the mythical figure of Sisyphus, who was condemned by the gods to roll a large boulder up a hill for all eternity. Despite the seemingly impossible and endless nature of his task, Sisyphus continued to push the boulder up the hill every day, never giving up or losing hope. In this way, he represents the indomitable human spirit and our ability to continue striving and fighting, even in the face of seemingly impossible odds."

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