
Apr 26, 2016
Abandoning all sense of purpose has never been a particularly obscure thought pattern. It has arisen time and time again from the dredges of human psyche, where all hope has been lost. The harrowing realization that there is no meaning to life often leads to one of two choices. Die or live. To choose latter is to embark on a journey of absurdism.

What is Sofism?
Absurdism has a long history from artists to great thinkers, even if it only gained its modern definition some hundred years ago, thus acquiring a scholarly edge more commonly harnessed by those particularly well-versed in philosophy. With the advent of Black Mesa Incident, however, the world changed forever. Resonance Cascade begets Portal Storms, Portal Storms begets Combine - and now, Combine begets Uprising. This string of chaotic events caused bottlenecks in practice and study of intellectual thinking. The throttling of accumulated wisdom, while harrowing in its own way, allowed the layman to discover the very same pastures without academic quotients or thresholds. Absurdism rose from the ashes - now a belief riddled with purposeless jesters.

It was here that Sofism was born - a sort of in-joke among absurdists. A way to describe themselves to outsiders. Oftentimes it is followed by a suggestion for the outsider to look into Sofist books. As no such writings exist, this is little more than a crude prank inspired by sophism to lead someone into a hopeless endeavor. If they realize this and embrace the hilarity of it all, they're an absurdist in the making. At the end of the day, these "Sofists" mock labels, for the very act of officiating their belief would inherently give it meaning.

And the Last Laugh?
To lack meaning in life is not synonymous with lacking life in itself. Many absurdists are habitual survivalists for no other reason than the curiousity to see how the fate of the Earth turns out to be.

"If your death approaches, make it the killing joke." So goes a certain saying among absurdists. Few will go quietly into the night, even if a meaningless death wouldn't be far from fitting for their kind.

You forgot the Praxis.

At their core, absurdists are creatures of excess and hedonism - thrillseekers that will defy all norms for no more than personal enjoyment. It's not about why, it's about why not. This creates a dangerous precedent. Not just because of what foul deeds it causes people to commit, but the infectious nature of the belief itself.

Absurdism reaches across the aisle in the worst manner possible. It attracts the disillusioned from all walks of life - be they Combine lackeys, Resistance members, or those of more nebulous allegiance. This does little to unite them however, as absurdists none too rarely devolve into infighting - usually to the amusement of survivors, once the dust has settled.

They are agents of chaos with no greater cause than the entertainment factor of whatever foul deeds they commit. Pray that there isn't collateral damage when one of them decides to have the last laugh.
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Sep 12, 2018
Babe wake up, new academically contentious Fourth Order Neo-Loyalist sect in Garrsion 314 just dropped
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