Official Guide Recording software/Instant replay guide

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Head Staff
Apr 26, 2016


As with the nature of GTA RP, having a method of recording in-game goings on is important for recording funny in game moments or having a record of something that happened in game for report related reasons. This thread will detail various ways you can achieve this and will contain several methods of doing this and how to set them up.

1) NVIDIA's Shadowplay - Instant replay:​

If you have an NVIDIA graphics card, this option is available to you. To access it, first you need to have GeForce Experience installed.

Once you have that installed, you may notice that FiveM doesn't initially recognise the in game overlay, there is a workaround for this. Have it running and Minimize FiveM then right click on the Geforce experience icon in your tray and click 'in game overlay'


It should look like this

Then it should unminimize FiveM automatically and bring up this menu:

Turn it on and customise it to your liking and that's it - you're done!

2) OBS Replay Buffer:​

If you're on AMD or aren't a fan of Geforce Experience, you can use OBS with a replay buffer. It's essentially the same as shadowplay's instant replay. First thing you will need is OBS, obviously. Once you have OBS you will need to set up a game capture or window capture in the sources tab:

This is so OBS captures FiveM.

Next you'll need to enable the replay buffer itself. You do this by navigating to the settings page > output > replay buffer. Enable it and then you should have another option on the controls tab. Make sure you set a hotkey for it under hotkeys as well



After that, all you need to do is click 'Start replay buffer' and then once you press the hotkey, it will save a replay of the past x amount of seconds. Replays are stored in the same place as where OBS stores other recordings.

3) Medal.TV:​


A much more simple method - go to and download the app

Sign in, customise to your liking, make sure to set filesize limits and edit other settings to suit your set up. Once you've done that, it's as simple as playing FiveM and creating a hotkey for your replays. Boom you're done!

Thanks for reading, hope this helps!
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