Johnathan Doe - Soldier Boy


Sep 9, 2022
that shit's boring but guess i am legally obliged to put that



[filler text of some access BS]




[Access granted? But the text is just below, not even hidden behind a spoiler, much security man]

wait a minute who in their sane mind would look up the datafile of someone unimportant, what

Name: Johnathan Doe
Alias/Callsign: Juliet-Delta, J-D, JD
D&LoB: Tennessee, USA, the new century i guess
IQ: Syntax^dumb as rocks
Height: who the hell cares, man
Status: uh, alive, duh???
Meta: Gaming
Literally anything else: find out ic, figure it out, fuck you

who the hell reads those anyway...

Alright, that BS is done, below is better stuff.

"I got in to help, get things done faster. I think I'm a fool for believing that."

This is my mirror. This is what I see, that is Johnathan Doe.


But when I can't see him anymore, this is me, I am Juliet-Delta.


My father? A good man, US Army, Sergeant, PMA in the worst time possible... Well, that’s what my mom told me. He chose my name, he had the same one, apparently. Weird traditions, but we don’t question it. Wish I saw him one last time...

My mom? The reason I got to live until now. She wanted to show me the world starting with Tennessee. Well, that before the Combine just took it all… Now I want to be the reason she can live at ease. One day I’ll get to be lucky again and see her…​

I don’t need many words, I just need to do what has to be done at the faintest call.
I am a soldier, why should I question? Why…? Fantastic, here I go again...

This won’t be over, will it? Damn, these… Enemies act like some cornered dog. And just when we think we got them, they come back stronger. This damn cycle repeats again, and AGAIN. So many lives keep being lost, so many injustices gotten away with. When… Just when will I have the peace to come back home and now create the better world? I just can’t?

I am a good soldier, I CANNOT question, I am not smart, all I can do is just… Move on and act now. I do things warriors among us question or simply call as the Combine way. Since when was being tactically sound an excuse to be shunned over? Do we just want to lose against thugs with guns? Do ya even know your enemy!?

Let me guess, ya just want to go overkill with politically idiotic rebels like the National Greenbacks. Or ya taking joy in seeing this carnage cycle happen… Just to take all the credit when I have to carry you and do the hero job?

Whatever, I will act for the best of us, even if it costs me my face.


Heh, I don't think I have one, really. And that's why I'm the one cleaning up your messes, huh?

"I’m nothing more than just a fucking John Doe to all, am I?"

Damn it, can't lose control now. Keep up that smile, I’ll simply say again.

I am a good soldier… I am Juliet-Delta, just a soldier. Let’s get things done.

"I whisper for important intel. You whisper for petty gossip."

A good soldier is an open and a closed book, keeping no secrets but also all the secrets. All for the sake of communication, being effective and having operational security.

Now, we got the exact opposite. It ain't a city, we ain't getting blasted for saying Harland sucks or Metrocop 4653 is an asshole. Why are ya not only whispering right where I can hear ya, but also look at me funny for doing that right on my nose.​

And then ya scream full plans and they get foiled because the enemy was waiting for us… And yet ya blame the failures on anyone half looking like a collaborator.

Something on ya tinier than my brain is really fucked up. I have to do the mule work, save your asses and not even a thanks unless ya legally obliged or some shit. Then people commit idiocies, die and I have to quintuple-time night-shifts no one takes. Fuck off.

I say nothing for the sake of keeping the team together, but I can’t help but not call out Vigilante bullshit when we got more important matters. Can’t we at least focus on wiping the Combine out first and fast before doing anything else? Why is asking that simple question the reason people want to hate me if they don’t.




"Think it’s better to focus on something else."

I was also told I should get a girlfriend, just someone to ramble to each other on and on... See the shithole we are in? Ya already are the proof why I shouldn’t.

No thanks.

But also because I am also a soldier first, not a husband. I have brothers in arms, comrades even if they are warriors. I am an expendable unit first, a friend second… But I considered a few as friends regardless. Big mistake now...​

I fucked up once again, now royally. I let them be hurt, almost dying because I chose to follow orders over being a friend. They also had to follow it without question, it's on them. But I- Fuck, why does everything I do have to be the worst decision possible! I needed some time alone, though that's a given.​

And then I look at the seawater. Normally a blur, but this time a perfect mirror… Now I get it…


"I can only see my face to remind myself how truly pathetic I am."

Of fucking course. I ask for the selfish, I want them to be happy but myself as well. I wanted to be part of something great without a why. Or be part of something small yet personal. But I can’t be part of any because I either get called silly for thinking that, or just fuck up my only job.

It- It hurts to think like that, but that’s on me for wanting not to be alone I guess. I left someone behind to follow a war without reason, and I'm paying it all for it. Heh, I deserve this, don’t I? Guess I’ll just… Get used to it, yeah. I don’t really exist to anyone until they need someone to point fingers at. Doesn’t matter, anyway... It's all my fault for not being what I was meant to be.

I do wonder who would mourn for me if I fell down. Answer’s obvious, but it’s funny to think about it.


"Am I just not welcome in this world?"

Okay, stop. Just need to calm down and commit to my duty, no matter what. Boys don't cry.

I am just a man, a Soldier, a John Doe. We- I have a next objective. Juliet-Delta out.


"Both of ya are dismissed outta here. Go before it all gets any uglier!"

I didn't actually lay low, I simply joined a greater cause than guarding a lost coastline. Lambda's been kind enough to give a good new gun for this moment. Is this how a S.E.A.L. felt like?

Got fast tracked into some weird task force with me in charge... The hell are they seeing in me to lea-? Whatever, did some recon and when that day came, I got a simple direct order:

"Juliet-Delta, come in. Got you some update."

"Reading you, Barricade. What is it?"
"Still alive, good. Listen closely, you are able to join in the fight, but all you'll do is stand your ground. DO NOT engage the Gene Worm, and make sure to conceal your lambda sign. Don't question it, but I know you won't. Barricade out."

And I did, dunno what kinda renegade ya think I am. Anyway. Got a debriefing to do now. So this saving the world job's done, return back to FOB with a possible science prodigy along the way, heh... Guess I'm kinda cut for this after all.

"I saw myself in the mirror after the battle... Is this man truly me now?"


Feeling a bit like some impaled sponge, though. Another Saturday... Just hope to see them again soon. Hyun, Val, Warren, Heather, Theo- bleh. Hm, Mom... Oh, gotta do a damn good dinner meal tonight, can't be serving metrocop shit for this particular day.

But what will I do after going back, though?

... Eh, will see about it, gotta find an excuse to go back in there first. Much to do yet to fulfill her wish, but I think I'll live through it.


"Well, another day comes... John Doe out."

Full image of JD as of now.


Voice I think fits him.

Relations in case you missed it.


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Sep 9, 2022

"I whisper for important intel. You whisper for petty gossip."

A good soldier is an open and a closed book, keeping no secrets but also all the secrets. All for the sake of communication, being effective and having operational security.

Now, we got the exact opposite. It ain't a city, we ain't getting blasted for saying Harland sucks or Metrocop 4653 is an asshole. Why are ya not only whispering right where I can hear ya, but also look at me funny for doing that right on my nose.​

And then ya scream full plans and they get foiled because the enemy was waiting for us… And yet ya blame the failures on anyone half looking like a collaborator.

Something on ya tinier than my brain is really fucked up. I have to do the mule work, save your asses and not even a thanks unless ya legally obliged or some shit. Then people commit idiocies, die and I have to quintuple-time night-shifts no one takes. Fuck off.

I say nothing for the sake of keeping the team together, but I can’t help but not call out Vigilante bullshit when we got more important matters. Can’t we at least focus on wiping the Combine out first and fast before doing anything else? Why is asking that simple question the reason people want to hate me if they don’t.




"Think it’s better to focus on something else."

I was also told I should get a girlfriend, just someone to ramble to each other on and on... See the shithole we are in? Ya already are the proof why I shouldn’t.

No thanks.

But also because I am also a soldier first, not a husband. I have brothers in arms, comrades even if they are warriors. I am an expendable unit first, a friend second… But I considered a few as friends regardless. Big mistake now...​

I fucked up once again, now royally. I let them be hurt, almost dying because I chose to follow orders over being a friend. They also had to follow it without question, it's on them. But I- Fuck, why does everything I do have to be the worst decision possible! I needed some time alone, though that's a given.​

And then I look at the seawater. Normally a blur, but this time a perfect mirror… Now I get it…


"I can only see my face to remind myself how truly pathetic I am."

Of fucking course. I ask for the selfish, I want them to be happy but myself as well. I wanted to be part of something great without a why. Or be part of something small yet personal. But I can’t be part of any because I either get called silly for thinking that, or just fuck up my only job.

It- It hurts to think like that, but that’s on me for wanting not to be alone I guess. I left someone behind to follow a war without reason, and I'm paying it all for it. Heh, I deserve this, don’t I? Guess I’ll just… Get used to it, yeah. I don’t really exist to anyone until they need someone to point fingers at. Doesn’t matter, anyway... It's all my fault for not being what I was meant to be.

I do wonder who would mourn for me if I fell down. Answer’s obvious, but it’s funny to think about it.


"Am I just not welcome in this world?"

Okay, stop. Just need to calm down and commit to my duty, no matter what. Boys don't cry.

I am just a man, a Soldier, a John Doe. We- I have a next objective. Juliet-Delta out.
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
I love John Doe I think we should get him sone anti psychotics
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Sep 9, 2022


"Both of ya are dismissed outta here. Go before it all gets any uglier!"

I didn't actually lay low, I simply joined a greater cause than guarding a lost coastline. Lambda's been kind enough to give a good new gun for this moment. Is this how a S.E.A.L. felt like?

Got fast tracked into some weird task force with me in charge... The hell are they seeing in me to lea-? Whatever, did some recon and when that day came, I got a simple direct order:

"Juliet-Delta, come in. Got you some update."

"Reading you, Barricade. What is it?"
"Still alive, good. Listen closely, you are able to join in the fight, but all you'll do is stand your ground. DO NOT engage the Gene Worm, and make sure to conceal your lambda sign. Don't question it, but I know you won't. Barricade out."

And I did, dunno what kinda renegade ya think I am. Anyway. Got a debriefing to do now. So this saving the world job's done, return back to FOB with a possible science prodigy along the way, heh... Guess I'm kinda cut for this after all.

"I saw myself in the mirror after the battle... Is this man truly me now?"


Feeling a bit like some impaled sponge, though. Another Saturday... Just hope to see them again soon. Hyun, Val, Warren, Heather, Theo- bleh. Hm, Mom... Oh, gotta do a damn good dinner meal tonight, can't be serving metrocop shit for this particular day.

But what will I do after going back, though?

... Eh, will see about it, gotta find an excuse to go back in there first. Much to do yet to fulfill her wish, but I think I'll live through it.


"Well, another day comes... John Doe out."

Thanks for reading my schizo shit. So far he is one of my more gimmicky (and developed) characters dealing with thematics of identity and the Soldier mentality.
My idea is to make a character with such a forgettable name to be remembered for who he is. Hope to have achieved that. See you around, lads.

Also updated the few relations written.

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