Denied J-4 PK Appeal

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Mar 12, 2018

This will remain unlocked till tomorrow if the people involved have things to add about the situation in regards to context, but considering what I have seen so far, this is what I gathered.

Judge-4 asked Ron to shoot him if he was so confident he had evidence (Which he had by the way), and was actively lying to Ron to attempt to get out of it. If you, as a player, go ahead and go "Shoot me, if you are so confident", and then go and put your head against the RL's barrel, knowing full well you could be killed for what you have done, you are actively breaking FearRP. Nor do I find it fine going and saying šŸ†—, posting a literal discord emoji in an IC situation and taking it instantly OOC, and also doing a cool /me die,


, is something I do not find correct or a good thing to do, especially considering the accusations are accurate, and true.

Considering the situation outside of the investigation was heating up, the kill makes sense. For now this will be left open, but be I emphasize one thing.

Be respectful, reply with concise, and thought out messages, and refrain from becoming heated. Random spouts of arguments will be deleted and ignored, so it is a waste of time and effort.


Mar 12, 2018
Alright, after actually taking the time and asking Jaggles, I have been bestowed the power to say this

For the sake of clarity for rogue cops, or cops wanting to go rogue - Acting like this will infact, get you killed. This was a decision of ongoing ingame circumstances and the attitude of the appealer, in regards to how the kill went. A note to all players, please act out your death and whatnot, even if there is ooc frustration

If you feel there are issues, contact a staff member then and there and have them oversee the situation, and then allow them to sort it out if they see fit, and if you are charbanned, and feel as if you acted out properly and received a conclusion that does not make sense, then you should appeal. Not when you ruin the roleplay for others by doing emojis and low effort /mes. I understand that a kill being frustrating, is something annoying to deal with, but it is something that has to be dealt with, properly. There is a case to be made that Wolfaye's actions could lead in some sort of administrative actions, but I will play it off to frustration.

Asking for a kill, and then... being killed, is normal. Especially after you're shown the radio that you used to communicate with the foreign party. Evidence was provided by the party that carried out the kill to us, and logs prove it, so it is somewhat clear cut as we've seen the footage of the situation leading up to the kill.

As for the new CP character situation, that is up to the combine faction leads to give their piece on privately to Wolfaye, if Wolfaye chooses to pursue a new character in the faction.

This appeal is denied.
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