

Jun 1, 2017
i need u to explain


@dingus (banned lol!!11!)
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
#2: 'Abandonment. Guilt. Two sensations that I have not experienced in a very long time, return to haunt me and fuck my head over, from no one else other than my leader and the person I looked up to most. I don't hate Cecilia; she was my leader at one point, and my respect for her will never drop. I just no longer envy her. I have no idea where she went; she just disappeared, probably exiled herself, or something. Wherever she went, I hope she is doing well in her current endeavors.'
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Jun 1, 2017



thanks @john for the poster

Lambda came to us in what was left of the valley to help devise a plan for what's next.

The citadel of Geneva - the horrid entity that were were shredded in combat for months so we can safely 'demolish' it - came back through the sky like a barren devil from the depths of Hell. My eyes almost teared as I looked up and saw the last thing I wanted to see. I did not care for my life. I did not care for Lambda. The only thoughts my mind mustered at that point were about all the people that fell in Geneva. The massacres; the dead bodies of my fallen friends that I had to crawl through. All of these people lost; for nothing. This was the first time I ever felt it. A feeling of dread. Emptiness. Something that until this point I have never felt before.


We dug up in the valley and held out long enough until Lambda finally showed up. And what I feared would happen has happened; Their appearance was as equal as their disappearance. Unlike Geneva, we were not huddled with warfighting equipment. No plans. No schemes. No scientific miracles. Nothing. Lambda left us to fend for ourselves. All we knew is that an Advisor was present in the region. It had a plan to open a portal in the sky to pull something through, and we had to stop it. We had not one, not two, but three tanks. We had a multitude of armored carriers. An attack car that was armed to the teeth, and a few dozen seasoned fighters to help stop the mad menace.

We threw everything we had into this. And we failed.

We hurdled into our APCs so we can quickly evacuate the valley. Boris was the driver of the APC I was in. Then a bright, sudden flash of light blinded me for a few seconds - and my vision returned to normal shortly after, to find myself alone. In a desolated landscape, with a weather-changing monstrosity right outside. I looked around, and all the people I fought with - Warren, Kim, Kelly, Boris, Deacon - they were all gone. Vanished. I did not know what happened, or why I wasn't affected. All that I knew is I was in a torn apart APC, all alone in what used to be a valley. I got up to the driver's seat of the carrier - miraculously - the engine was still running. I mustered up what strength I've had left and drove. I had no idea where I was driving myself. I mindlessly drove the bulky vehicle for what felt like a few hours.

I looked in my PDA by chance - and I found out that two full days have passed. I was horrified to realize that I have been driving for two days with my mind devoid of thoughts. Then I realized - my inner self was consumed by that feeling again. The feeling of dread that I despised and promised myself to never have it go through me again.

Once again... I failed.

There was not much left of my equipment. My shotgun was rusty and covered in blood, its inner mechanism finally fell victim to wear. My radios were not picking up any signals. My armor was but a carapace. What was left of my equipment that still worked was my katana, and the antique Winchester of Bucharest's fallen despot: Marshal Mladic. Approximately eight bullets was what was left in that weapon.

Once the carrier ran out of fuel, I broke out of my dream state into a snowy landscape. It didn't take me much to realize where I was. I found myself close to the Ural Mountains of what used to be Russia. I have expected to find myself embroiled in a Combine stronghold. But, surprisingly, their patrols in that region were far more scarce than I thought, understandably so due to the Xenian-infested wildlife. What I hoped would be a short venture into the wilderness has turned into my temporary housing for a full two months. Thanks to Cecilia's hut making skills that I've learned from Odessa's metros, I have made myself a hut in the middle of the woods, living off of Antlion and headcrab meat that Genjo taught me how to cook. For two full months, I lived in complete isolation, tortured by the thoughts of dying alone - far away - instead of a battle or a cause that's worth it.

At one point, I have lost all hope of returning to a civilized society. My mind was shattered with the thoughts that this snowy hell would be my grave. I looked at the Marshal's antique weapon - which only had one bullet left after I used all of the other seven carefully in my hunting ventures. The one bullet that was in that rifle would've been more than enough to painlessly end my misery; a method that looked increasingly attracting as I reflected on my past, and my failures. I would've had myself killed by the Marshal's own weapon... talk about dramatic irony. As this thought clattered in my head, my PDA caught a signal. It was a notification from a frequency that I found familiar. The numbers were gnawing at the back of my head as I stared emptily at this frequency that my eyes happened to have found recognizable. My eyes went wide as I finally recognized the mysterious coded pattern of the message, then the name of the saved contact appeared after I refreshed the message a few times.

It was Frankfurt.

I sobbed in joy as I realized that one of my friends was still alive. Two months of dreadful isolation finally broken by a few numbers on a message machine. They were not just numbers. They were coordinates that were not very far from where I was. I quickly dressed in my makeshift fur coat, grabbed the antique rifle and my blood-coated katana, and headed off to these coordinates, where I found a full set of new gear, a radio, and finally, a Crown Victoria that was fully functional and had a generous supply of fuel. A car I have not seen since our days in the urban Bucharest... a landmark of better days.

I went into the driver's seat and I found a map, with a route drawn towards the further Far East, my to-be arriving destination, marked by an X, was only classified as the 'Red Coast'. I drove as fast as I can - a checkpoint after checkpoint, controlled by the local resistance forces. As I passed these checkpoints, each of the fighters manning the checkpoints looked at my face longingly with immense respect and adoration. Never have I expected praise or recognition from anyone for my fighting, but the feeling of being appreciated after months of lonesome dread was refreshing to my broken spirit.

After two weeks of stopping and moving, I have finally arrived at my destination. The car barely had any fuel left, so I parked it at one of Frank's sites and left it, and walked the few remaining kilometers. Once I arrived at the 'X', I found myself at Outpost Berkhoff. My arm automatically reached for my helmet and I put it down as I recognized the name... another fatal mistake of my own that I reflected on at that moment. An old friend that I failed to protect.

As I entered the outpost, I was greeted by two of my former subordinates: Valentin and John. They both looked at me as if they have seen a ghostly apparition. On the outside, I looked broken, shattered, defeated - on the inside, I was filled with joy as I have seen my old friends once more, very alive and living well. As I looked around the outpost, I found more old faces that I have thought have extinguished: Deacon, Kelly, Harland, Warren, Heather - and more were all here. All of the old faces that I have thought to have perished in the last battle, did not in fact perish. They were still giving the fight to the oppressors.

Making me more delighted was finally the accomplishment of what was originally Cecilia's goal and the long-term objective of my cell. Our humble resistance was finally united. No talks about pity power struggles, no talk about the inability to work together, no talk about logistical failures; everyone had finally realized that we all have a common goal that will only be achieved by working as one. My broken state was reinvigorated as I saw everyone drop their conflicts and stand together, going further to even help in their liberation of a city.

I could not help but smile at Warren and Fyodor as they held everyone together. Two men with entirely different personalities, from two different former cells, doing what me and Harland could not do. As we moved further into Zelenogradsk, I have seen them lead and coordinate together and all it does to me is give me the one thing that I have ran low on for the past few months. Hope. It was finally here. It returned to me after I have lived in constant, unbearable dread. I look around myself, and I think that after almost a year of constant fighting and bickering, it was finally time for me to take a step back; for me to take a deserved break away from all of this.

I was contacted a few days ago by a name I have not seen nor heard from in a long while; Masum Khan, our former handler in Geneva. He requested my presence back in the liberated city as reports of an overload of refugees, as well as a short-on-manpower ruling council was almost stretching the city's supply lines thin. He personally advocated me for a job within the council to assist with running the daily affairs of the former house of nations. A new job that is a far cry away from the constant warfare I've been involved in ever since I made my presence known... something that I needed so I can peacefully think about what comes next, to refresh myself and properly re-integrate into a civilized world.

Cecilia's vision has been fulfilled.

Our resistance has learnt to work under one flag. They are finally united.

... I'm done here.



Warren Barr - @Ricsow
'I look at you and I see a man who thinks he's been given more than what he asked for. I still feel that you are devastated by Roger's undoing, but you proved yourself as a strong individual by doing what you did. I could not feel more proud to see you moving on and finally utilizing your strength. The people here like you and care about you more than you think they do. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors. We will be meeting again, one day.'

Fyodor Alekhin - @Slimaaconroy
'I have always thought of you as a blind follower, but you've proven that you're much more than that deep down. You're a capable person and your coherence with Warren is a sight to behold. I had my doubts about you at the beginning, but I am glad that you've taken a step forward to prove yourself and mark these doubts wrong. Keep up the good work, I know you and Warren will achieve great things. Far more than you think you're capable of.'

Deacon Whitlock - @contained postal dude
'I always felt like you're a gravely underestimated individual. When we worked together, I was too afraid to admit it, but you were the closest thing I've had to an older brother. Despite our past differences, we taught each other to move past them and we we made much greater friends that the both of us could have expected. I'm sure you'll be one of the few to survive this conflict because I know your persistence and fighting abilities will carry you through it. Until next time, Deacon.'

Valentin Sukharnikov - @fabevil
'When we first met, I thought you were a sociopath. But, deep beneath that cover, I saw a deeply troubled, suffering man who I wanted nothing more from than to help safeguard and protect. I guess it worked out well in the end. Behind your hesitation, I saw a kind, selfless soul that was ready to through itself in the face of danger to defend those it cared about the most. On more than one occasion, I have seen you take a bullet - sorry, bullets so you can ensure they don't hit their intended target. I looked at you and I was proven that my judge of character was not misplaced. When this message gets to you, I know you will swear an oath to yourself to keep yourself alive and only take the risk when it's necessary. Shall you keep this up, perhaps, one day, we will gather around a campfire once more. Take care of yourself.'

Cherna Morozova - @dorph
'My dear, my love, and quite possibly the first and last woman who I will ever have feelings of this type for. Amongst very few and scarce reasons that I did not take my own life in my isolation, you were one of them. I always took care of myself even in the most dire circumstances because I had an eerie feeling that you were somehow watching me, and would bash my face into a wall if you ever found out I did something to myself. Thoughts like these made me laugh and smile to myself when I was completely devoid of any hope. Many call me cold and solaced, but the thought of me seeing you is enough to turn me into an aspiring child in a candy store. I know that your wits and cautiousness have kept you alive thus far, and I know that you equally take care of yourself as much as I do. Stay safe and stay out of trouble, wherever you are. Know that even though time tore us apart and we're the furthest we ever could be from each other, I will not think about any other woman the same way I have thought of you. Keep yourself in good health and stay alive. I love you.'

Paul Stanek - @Jumping Jupiter
'If Deacon was the closest thing I've had to an older brother, Paul would've been the closest I've had to a living father. Despite the many times we took to make fun of each other, I always felt like Paul had a parental urge to take care of me in more serious situations. I looked at him and I saw a witted man who did nothing most of the time but make fun of me, my name, and my ethnicity. Beyond this, I saw a certain type of anger in his eyes. The same anger I managed to keep hidden when I first started my endeavors within the Resistance. He most likely was a lady's man back in his day, given the mysterious aura and demeanor. I don't know where you went, but I know you that you're alive somewhere out there, helping out those who need it the most. I am confident that another meeting with the both of us is inevitable; even in another place or time.'

Frank 'Frankfurt' Steiner - @Verräterpackaging
'Frank was a man that I learnt many things from and was the main inspiring force behind the creation of Atlas, asides from Cecilia. I saw how much in sorrow he was after the death of Los Angeles. What inspired me about him the most is the strength and compassion he showed despite being in the most darkened pit of dread someone can ever fall in. He was calm, collected, as a matter of fact, I felt like LA's death made him even more focused in his work. It's quite astonishing, really. The public reputation of the people he's 'affiliated' with isn't the brightest, but I know Frank. And I know that he wants the best for anyone who came in contact with him that isn't a threat, and he works hard day and night to keep our freedom and resistance preserved and safeguarded. An endless crusade that will go on for years, but I know that it won't end with you. Good luck, Frank.'

Kim Minh Trung - @emmet
'From the first day I've seen Kim, I've always considered him as a part of my family. I felt like despite our different personalities, we're alike in many things. Like Valentin, you take risks. But unlike Valentin, you take them whether they're necessary or unnecessary, the main driving force behind this almost suicidal tendency is your hope for better days. Not only for yourself, but for everyone that you think is deserving of it. You were my right hand man, my closest affiliate, and above all else, my best friend. Although the days were far from kind for us, and it will most likely stay that way, I know that you will prevail in the end as long as you keep playing it smart like you always have been. When this conflict ends, you'll be something in the post-war world. A good personality that everyone will take examples from and go by. Do yourself a favor and keep it that way. It'll pay off in the end.'

Harland Roscha - @deathwolf
'I always thought of you as an idiot, and I still do. It what ultimately got you captured. However, behind your seemingly greedy and moronic tendencies, I felt like disguised behind your one brain-celled actions was the desire to accomplish good things. I still cannot tell if you used to do it for personal glory or a genuine desire to do something good and be helpful, but either way, it would've ended in the same result, that being that good things were done. I know that even under the Combine's custody, you have a backup plan incase things don't go the way you intend them to. I just hope you don't reveal too much to them about how things work here.'

Cecilia Karras - @Subeh
'In the hour when I needed you and your leadership the most, you decided to abandon me. Abandon us. Even though I still feel a deal of resentment towards you because of what you did, I cannot help but admit that you were the main driving force behind what I have become today. I confessed my ugly past to you, and in a time where most would have shot me in the head on sight, you decided to do the main thing I've learnt from you; look past the ugliness and find the scattered good, collect it, then rebuild it as one. I have done my best to do what you've worked days and nights to accomplish and what seemed to us like a far away dream has finally been transformed into reality, at least partially. I don't know where you are or anything about your whereabouts, but either way, I hope I have done your legacy proud.'

Boris Drugov - @SmoothAsMilk
'We did not see eye to eye on certain things, but you were, and still one of the greatest logistical assets this band of fighters might have acquired. Your designs were fairly brutish and simplistic, yet without them, we would not have stood a fighting chance. As much as you helped me, I have no doubt that you'll be as much, if not more help to W&F, and to their band of Reclaimers. Arm them and arm them well. Your designs are too good not be looked at or used. Do not feel embarrassed to ask of them what you used to ask of me. They'll give you whatever you need. Don't stop bothering the Combine, Boris.'

Johnathan Doe - @WstStranger
'Most people with names like yours tend to be forgettable. But I won't forget you. You had your doubts about me at times, but I've done my best to show that your trust was not misplaced and I dearly hope that I managed to deliver well in that endeavor. You can manage yourself without me and I know that this is something that you will exceed in. I would comfortably rush into any battle head on when I know that I have you covering my back and watching for me. Keep an eye on Valentin for me while I'm gone.'
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Jun 1, 2017
as most of you guessed this is my final endeavor with this character, i feel like the char ran its course and it's finally time for hyun to go to retirement and live in a cushy ass politician apartment in c24

very very special thanks to:

@Subeh and @Appetite Ruining Kebab for laying the foundation of what would ultimately become my most developed roleplay character

@fabevil for all the silly and fun moments we had

@dorph for genuinely fun chardev and not forcing erp on me

@deathwolf for being one of the first people i interacted with in the rebelrp scene

@Oswald and @Verräterpackaging for introducing me to rebelrp through 1st platoon

@Ricsow for the memes and the fun shitposts

@Appetite Ruining Kebab again for putting through all my rages and bullshit requests on discord

@rob for the fun interactions over the course of like 4 pked chars (stop killing off the people you play as holy shit)

and everyone else who interacted with this character, was seriously the most fun i ever had on hl2rp and so far takes the mantle as my most developed roleplay character

o7 boys


Sep 25, 2021
as most of you guessed this is my final endeavor with this character, i feel like the char ran its course and it's finally time for hyun to go to retirement and live in a cushy ass politician apartment in c24

very very special thanks to:

@Subeh and @Appetite Ruining Kebab for laying the foundation of what would ultimately become my most developed roleplay character

@fabevil for all the silly and fun moments we had

@dorph for genuinely fun chardev and not forcing erp on me

@deathwolf for being one of the first people i interacted with in the rebelrp scene

@Oswald and @Verräterpackaging for introducing me to rebelrp through 1st platoon

@Ricsow for the memes and the fun shitposts

@Appetite Ruining Kebab again for putting through all my rages and bullshit requests on discord

@rob for the fun interactions over the course of like 4 pked chars (stop killing off the people you play as holy shit)

and everyone else who interacted with this character, was seriously the most fun i ever had on hl2rp and so far takes the mantle as my most developed roleplay character

o7 boys
assuming this is the end of both you and Hyun on the server, it was nice having you, you were great company

if not, I'll still miss everyone's favourite local Asian suffering from gigantism
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professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
heroin users when they log onto the server and see the 'H' is no longer here

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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
Lambda came to us in what was left of the valley to help devise a plan for what's next.

The citadel of Geneva - the horrid entity that were were shredded in combat for months so we can safely 'demolish' it - came back through the sky like a barren devil from the depths of Hell. My eyes almost teared as I looked up and saw the last thing I wanted to see. I did not care for my life. I did not care for Lambda. The only thoughts my mind mustered at that point were about all the people that fell in Geneva. The massacres; the dead bodies of my fallen friends that I had to crawl through. All of these people lost; for nothing. This was the first time I ever felt it. A feeling of dread. Emptiness. Something that until this point I have never felt before.


We dug up in the valley and held out long enough until Lambda finally showed up. And what I feared would happen has happened; Their appearance was as equal as their disappearance. Unlike Geneva, we were not huddled with warfighting equipment. No plans. No schemes. No scientific miracles. Nothing. Lambda left us to fend for ourselves. All we knew is that an Advisor was present in the region. It had a plan to open a portal in the sky to pull something through, and we had to stop it. We had not one, not two, but three tanks. We had a multitude of armored carriers. An attack car that was armed to the teeth, and a few dozen seasoned fighters to help stop the mad menace.

We threw everything we had into this. And we failed.

We hurdled into our APCs so we can quickly evacuate the valley. Boris was the driver of the APC I was in. Then a bright, sudden flash of light blinded me for a few seconds - and my vision returned to normal shortly after, to find myself alone. In a desolated landscape, with a weather-changing monstrosity right outside. I looked around, and all the people I fought with - Warren, Kim, Kelly, Boris, Deacon - they were all gone. Vanished. I did not know what happened, or why I wasn't affected. All that I knew is I was in a torn apart APC, all alone in what used to be a valley. I got up to the driver's seat of the carrier - miraculously - the engine was still running. I mustered up what strength I've had left and drove. I had no idea where I was driving myself. I mindlessly drove the bulky vehicle for what felt like a few hours.

I looked in my PDA by chance - and I found out that two full days have passed. I was horrified to realize that I have been driving for two days with my mind devoid of thoughts. Then I realized - my inner self was consumed by that feeling again. The feeling of dread that I despised and promised myself to never have it go through me again.

Once again... I failed.

There was not much left of my equipment. My shotgun was rusty and covered in blood, its inner mechanism finally fell victim to wear. My radios were not picking up any signals. My armor was but a carapace. What was left of my equipment that still worked was my katana, and the antique Winchester of Bucharest's fallen despot: Marshal Mladic. Approximately eight bullets was what was left in that weapon.

Once the carrier ran out of fuel, I broke out of my dream state into a snowy landscape. It didn't take me much to realize where I was. I found myself close to the Ural Mountains of what used to be Russia. I have expected to find myself embroiled in a Combine stronghold. But, surprisingly, their patrols in that region were far more scarce than I thought, understandably so due to the Xenian-infested wildlife. What I hoped would be a short venture into the wilderness has turned into my temporary housing for a full two months. Thanks to Cecilia's hut making skills that I've learned from Odessa's metros, I have made myself a hut in the middle of the woods, living off of Antlion and headcrab meat that Genjo taught me how to cook. For two full months, I lived in complete isolation, tortured by the thoughts of dying alone - far away - instead of a battle or a cause that's worth it.

At one point, I have lost all hope of returning to a civilized society. My mind was shattered with the thoughts that this snowy hell would be my grave. I looked at the Marshal's antique weapon - which only had one bullet left after I used all of the other seven carefully in my hunting ventures. The one bullet that was in that rifle would've been more than enough to painlessly end my misery; a method that looked increasingly attracting as I reflected on my past, and my failures. I would've had myself killed by the Marshal's own weapon... talk about dramatic irony. As this thought clattered in my head, my PDA caught a signal. It was a notification from a frequency that I found familiar. The numbers were gnawing at the back of my head as I stared emptily at this frequency that my eyes happened to have found recognizable. My eyes went wide as I finally recognized the mysterious coded pattern of the message, then the name of the saved contact appeared after I refreshed the message a few times.

It was Frankfurt.

I sobbed in joy as I realized that one of my friends was still alive. Two months of dreadful isolation finally broken by a few numbers on a message machine. They were not just numbers. They were coordinates that were not very far from where I was. I quickly dressed in my makeshift fur coat, grabbed the antique rifle and my blood-coated katana, and headed off to these coordinates, where I found a full set of new gear, a radio, and finally, a Crown Victoria that was fully functional and had a generous supply of fuel. A car I have not seen since our days in the urban Bucharest... a landmark of better days.

I went into the driver's seat and I found a map, with a route drawn towards the further Far East, my to-be arriving destination, marked by an X, was only classified as the 'Red Coast'. I drove as fast as I can - a checkpoint after checkpoint, controlled by the local resistance forces. As I passed these checkpoints, each of the fighters manning the checkpoints looked at my face longingly with immense respect and adoration. Never have I expected praise or recognition from anyone for my fighting, but the feeling of being appreciated after months of lonesome dread was refreshing to my broken spirit.

After two weeks of stopping and moving, I have finally arrived at my destination. The car barely had any fuel left, so I parked it at one of Frank's sites and left it, and walked the few remaining kilometers. Once I arrived at the 'X', I found myself at Outpost Berkhoff. My arm automatically reached for my helmet and I put it down as I recognized the name... another fatal mistake of my own that I reflected on at that moment. An old friend that I failed to protect.

As I entered the outpost, I was greeted by two of my former subordinates: Valentin and John. They both looked at me as if they have seen a ghostly apparition. On the outside, I looked broken, shattered, defeated - on the inside, I was filled with joy as I have seen my old friends once more, very alive and living well. As I looked around the outpost, I found more old faces that I have thought have extinguished: Deacon, Kelly, Harland, Warren, Heather - and more were all here. All of the old faces that I have thought to have perished in the last battle, did not in fact perish. They were still giving the fight to the oppressors.

Making me more delighted was finally the accomplishment of what was originally Cecilia's goal and the long-term objective of my cell. Our humble resistance was finally united. No talks about pity power struggles, no talk about the inability to work together, no talk about logistical failures; everyone had finally realized that we all have a common goal that will only be achieved by working as one. My broken state was reinvigorated as I saw everyone drop their conflicts and stand together, going further to even help in their liberation of a city.

I could not help but smile at Warren and Fyodor as they held everyone together. Two men with entirely different personalities, from two different former cells, doing what me and Harland could not do. As we moved further into Zelenogradsk, I have seen them lead and coordinate together and all it does to me is give me the one thing that I have ran low on for the past few months. Hope. It was finally here. It returned to me after I have lived in constant, unbearable dread. I look around myself, and I think that after almost a year of constant fighting and bickering, it was finally time for me to take a step back; for me to take a deserved break away from all of this.

I was contacted a few days ago by a name I have not seen nor heard from in a long while; Masum Khan, our former handler in Geneva. He requested my presence back in the liberated city as reports of an overload of refugees, as well as a short-on-manpower ruling council was almost stretching the city's supply lines thin. He personally advocated me for a job within the council to assist with running the daily affairs of the former house of nations. A new job that is a far cry away from the constant warfare I've been involved in ever since I made my presence known... something that I needed so I can peacefully think about what comes next, to refresh myself and properly re-integrate into a civilized world.

Cecilia's vision has been fulfilled.

Our resistance has learnt to work under one flag. They are finally united.

... I'm done here.

Fantastic read, honestly happy for a character to have a happy ending. Your description of the Gene Worm's attack and your escape and following wilderness survival was a very interesting concept, I like this a lot.


'I always thought of you as an idiot, and I still do
I take it back fuck you.

I know that even under the Combine's custody, you have a backup plan incase things don't go the way you intend them to. I just hope you don't reveal too much to them about how things work here.'
Harland's escape attempt
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
Cecilia Karras - @Subeh
'In the hour when I needed you and your leadership the most, you decided to abandon me. Abandon us. Even though I still feel a deal of resentment towards you because of what you did, I cannot help but admit that you were the main driving force behind what I have become today. I confessed my ugly past to you, and in a time where most would have shot me in the head on sight, you decided to do the main thing I've learnt from you; look past the ugliness and find the scattered good, collect it, then rebuild it as one. I have done my best to do what you've worked days and nights to accomplish and what seemed to us like a far away dream has finally been transformed into reality, at least partially. I don't know where you are or anything about your whereabouts, but either way, I hope I have done your legacy proud.'


Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017

In a room well lit, alongside a desk and a terminal. A gentle blue light seeps from it, the humming of the machines is almost silent - only the music fills the room with a gentle sound. Frank sat infront of the computer, his fingers layed out on the keyboard, eyes peering over the screen, closing everynow and then, sometimes longer. A humming comes from him after a while and a smile to follow after a minute or two. He started to write.

I didn't mean the last talk we had to be our last, but it seems our ways shall part for now. In my time of duty, often there are things I do not say, often I keep part of the truth for myself - or if I have to, do not reveal it at all. Honesty I owe no one, but myself. Yet I always tried to be as open-minded and honest as I could.
Hence I write you this letter, for you to know alittle more - as this may have been the last time I have the oppertunity to tell you.

Back when we met, you were nothing more to us than a simple name and a file attached to it. One of many, nothing more to note. To me, so it was with all people I did not know. But it wasn't so for John. He was far more human, I believe. He saw things in people I did not, he trusted without a clear reason - and had faith in those I just believed to be cannonfodder. But with time, the evidence for his faith has become apparent - in you and others. Your deeds cannot be denied, as for the courage it took to keep on walking down this path. And thus, I started to believe as well - in a better future, in humanity, and in those around me.

The creation of ATLAS was something I saw with fear, believe it or not. I was worried the cunning it brought to the field could expose us, not for the better, but rather the worse. That was the reason we put some of our people in your ranks.
We wanted to control ATLAS, to avert the gaze from us and focus it on matters at hand. But neither of ORSTED nor of ATLAS, Due North or the Armbands I thought highly. No, I just saw simple warbands, able to fight - but with no heart to it. John, again, taught me otherwise. We never tried to exert our control afterwards - we just watched. And some became more invested with the fight than I would've wanted to.

John's death I did not anticipate. He was my mentor for as long as I serve, even though I surpassed him in rank, I never did in experience. And he thought very highly of you. My heart should've been only with my brothers, with my mission - but it bled too much already. Empty as it was, I found purpose in that. You all are more than I was willing to admit. And those I saw struggle I couldn't ignore. I wanted to provide to others what I missed in my darkest hours. A helping hand, a light to guide one out of the dark - to recieve nothing and to give everything.

I remember the day vividly where you approached me about what you have found out in Bucharest. About a 'spy ring', what you suspected and feared. It was a close call I had to make myself, as I did not know your intentions. Wait-and-see was what I learned is the most effective. And so we did, we waited.

Not much later you approached me in Agora, after Bucharest fell. Wandering with me to the relay, I already knew you'd confront me - I didn't know if you were there to kill me or to get answers, a justification. When it was time - when you confronted me - it was a close call. You almost stumbled into your death, but you had the trust not to expect a bullet, but an answer. That bold trust had to be admired and you were supposed to recieve your answer. We did what we did not only to protect the Resistance, but rather to protect ourselves.

Does that hold true after this time? I do not believe so, not anymore. We had made friends out there, even though we do not deserve such company. I believe this was supposed to be, this fate of ours. Yet again I find myself only revealing part of the truth I'd like to say, to explain. Why this is, I cannot tell you. But one thing you shall know certainly:

In peace of mind and heart you will find your rest. Remember that as you go on, that way you can complete the war that rages within you.

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Apr 26, 2016
that vibe when a zombie is in the dossier
yet the fisherman that was close and had the final conversation with the man before the last event leading to death,
is not

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infamous instigator
Media Developer
Premium Member
Jun 26, 2020

In a room well lit, alongside a desk and a terminal. A gentle blue light seeps from it, the humming of the machines is almost silent - only the music fills the room with a gentle sound. Frank sat infront of the computer, his fingers layed out on the keyboard, eyes peering over the screen, closing everynow and then, sometimes longer. A humming comes from him after a while and a smile to follow after a minute or two. He started to write.

I didn't mean the last talk we had to be our last, but it seems our ways shall part for now. In my time of duty, often there are things I do not say, often I keep part of the truth for myself - or if I have to, do not reveal it at all. Honesty I owe no one, but myself. Yet I always tried to be as open-minded and honest as I could.
Hence I write you this letter, for you to know alittle more - as this may have been the last time I have the oppertunity to tell you.

Back when we met, you were nothing more to us than a simple name and a file attached to it. One of many, nothing more to note. To me, so it was with all people I did not know. But it wasn't so for John. He was far more human, I believe. He saw things in people I did not, he trusted without a clear reason - and had faith in those I just believed to be cannonfodder. But with time, the evidence for his faith has become apparent - in you and others. Your deeds cannot be denied, as for the courage it took to keep on walking down this path. And thus, I started to believe as well - in a better future, in humanity, and in those around me.

The creation of ATLAS was something I saw with fear, believe it or not. I was worried the cunning it brought to the field could expose us, not for the better, but rather the worse. That was the reason we put some of our people in your ranks.
We wanted to control ATLAS, to avert the gaze from us and focus it on matters at hand. But neither of ORSTED nor of ATLAS, Due North or the Armbands I thought highly. No, I just saw simple warbands, able to fight - but with no heart to it. John, again, taught me otherwise. We never tried to exert our control afterwards - we just watched. And some became more invested with the fight than I would've wanted to.

John's death I did not anticipate. He was my mentor for as long as I serve, even though I surpassed him in rank, I never did in experience. And he thought very highly of you. My heart should've been only with my brothers, with my mission - but it bled too much already. Empty as it was, I found purpose in that. You all are more than I was willing to admit. And those I saw struggle I couldn't ignore. I wanted to provide to others what I missed in my darkest hours. A helping hand, a light to guide one out of the dark - to recieve nothing and to give everything.

I remember the day vividly where you approached me about what you have found out in Bucharest. About a 'spy ring', what you suspected and feared. It was a close call I had to make myself, as I did not know your intentions. Wait-and-see was what I learned is the most effective. And so we did, we waited.

Not much later you approached me in Agora, after Bucharest fell. Wandering with me to the relay, I already knew you'd confront me - I didn't know if you were there to kill me or to get answers, a justification. When it was time - when you confronted me - it was a close call. You almost stumbled into your death, but you had the trust not to expect a bullet, but an answer. That bold trust had to be admired and you were supposed to recieve your answer. We did what we did not only to protect the Resistance, but rather to protect ourselves.

Does that hold true after this time? I do not believe so, not anymore. We had made friends out there, even though we do not deserve such company. I believe this was supposed to be, this fate of ours. Yet again I find myself only revealing part of the truth I'd like to say, to explain. Why this is, I cannot tell you. But one thing you shall know certainly:

In peace of mind and heart you will find your rest. Remember that as you go on, that way you can complete the war that rages within you.


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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
This is unreadable on light mode
welcome to my sick and twisted mind, my heart is dark like my browser settings