Serious A HL2RP² Critique: Why I no longer enjoy it as a rebel main

Apr 26, 2016
could someone briefly explain the server dynamic as it is rn?




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Mar 26, 2017
i like s2k but i am here for rp and events and lore which is why i just want s2k to be balanced enough that it doesnt have to be a constant topic of discussion and override everything else. hopefully stuff like the sniper changes help w this, and the rebel contracts def look like they will help with rp on the rebel side
rebel contracts weren't even around 12 hours and they already resulted in dozens of people knowing each other more intimately and roleplaying together
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
personally speaking, i just find it not very fun

some good underpinning concepts (setting, the interplay within the zealot cop factions), creative people involved, smart people, with stories to tell, but the nuts and bolts of the meta (the "gameplay loop" if you like) is just not interesting for me

i've given it a chance, playing as a refugee, getting a gun and becoming a more active presence on a couple combat encounters but it feels extremely lopsided and it didn't sustain my interest long term as i haven't come back on since city 24

maybe it would be different if i played cop but something tells me i wouldnt get on in that faction
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Mar 26, 2017
personally speaking, i just find it not very fun

some good underpinning concepts (setting, the interplay within the zealot cop factions), creative people involved, smart people, with stories to tell, but the nuts and bolts of the meta (the "gameplay loop" if you like) is just not interesting for me

i've given it a chance, playing as a refugee, getting a gun and becoming a more active presence on a couple combat encounters but it feels extremely lopsided and it didn't sustain my interest long term as i haven't come back on since city 24

maybe it would be different if i played cop but something tells me i wouldnt get on in that faction
cop is fun, lots more people these days interested in taking the time to breathe and roleplay, lots more chances to do interesting things or tell interesting stories
lotta people u can tell are a little early in their rp careers but are much more open-minded than you'd find years back, breath of fresh air


give this guy his adm*n back
Apr 26, 2016
There kind of? is an overarching story but it seems atleast from a non-combine POV that the staff/server is gearing towards more story/events aimed at the Combine players with rebels majority being left out / behind. For example there's been numerous off server events for the combine and maybe 1 sign up off map event for rebels *dunno if it effected us directly*
Just wanted to comment on this as a member of the event team. This literally boils down to people not making events for rebels for XYZ non-malicious reason, mine being that I am a solely Combine player at the moment, meaning I fully understand the dynamics between players, how to reward them, etc. Events are projects that require some actual motivation and understanding to run. I can’t speak for the others' reasons, but these are mine. Taking initiative to make events for a concept you enjoy is the bones of the event team right now.

maybe it would be different if i played cop but something tells me i wouldnt get on in that faction
it's a good time for some decent passive, i'd give it a shot
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
actually the first real effort towards one stalled because it consisted of @Subeh showing up thinking that they could pull everyone together after being on-and-off the server for a while, then stopped showing up after people went "no we don't want a merger with you leading everything"
mate which scenario are you referring to

the only time ive tried to unify people it was a proposition in which every single member group got 3 members on a council and nobody was 'above' each other, we'd all vote on everything

the armbands pulled out cus "we dont like politic we just wanna shoot bad guy" and orsted pulled out at the literal last second purely because they didnt want to do it THEN but they were willing to do it later on, apparently

at no point did i market myself as big leader guy

i stopped showing up because the server is fucking dogshit, had intentions for my char to just go indep and take the route of the failure n run with the dev that came with that but why tf would i keep playing s2k sim lol
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kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
Okay, one second.

the server is fucking dogshit

First of all, this is just plain rude, considering the mad scramble staff have been in for these past six months to try and 'get it right' amidst wholly unfamiliar territory from both a server and setting perspective. And listen, nobody's saying the server's perfect - and it's certainly in a bit of an odd spot at the moment, I don't think anyone here would disagree - but this sort of acerbic vitriol isn't exactly conducive to improving anything.

Having said that, I'm actually kind of glad you decided to say this. With all the talk that's gone on in this thread about the dire state of people's mentalities and attitudes about approaching issues as a community, not as 'this side' or 'that side', it's good to have a stark example of exactly the kind of behavior that's made changing those mentalities such a challenge to begin with.

See, in a roundabout sort of way, you've actually kind of provided a useful demonstration of the kind of simmering behavioral issues that've, in some way or another, rooted themselves in this community since the early days of Helix. And that, despite all our efforts up to this point, clearly haven't been uprooted as much as we might've liked to believe. And certainly not as much as would be ideal for effecting actual, constructive change. It's good to have a reminder of what we still have to work on.

Guess the real trick is, well, actually working on it.


john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
Okay, one second.

First of all, this is just plain rude, considering the mad scramble staff have been in for these past six months to try and 'get it right' amidst wholly unfamiliar territory from both a server and setting perspective. And listen, nobody's saying the server's perfect - and it's certainly in a bit of an odd spot at the moment, I don't think anyone here would disagree - but this sort of acerbic vitriol isn't exactly conducive to improving anything.

Having said that, I'm actually kind of glad you decided to say this. With all the talk that's gone on in this thread about the dire state of people's mentalities and attitudes about approaching issues as a community, not as 'this side' or 'that side', it's good to have a stark example of exactly the kind of behavior that's made changing those mentalities such a challenge to begin with.

See, in a roundabout sort of way, you've actually kind of provided a useful demonstration of the kind of simmering behavioral issues that've, in some way or another, rooted themselves in this community since the early days of Helix. And that, despite all our efforts up to this point, clearly haven't been uprooted as much as we might've liked to believe. And certainly not as much as would be ideal for effecting actual, constructive change. It's good to have a reminder of what we still have to work on.

Guess the real trick is, well, actually working on it.
its entirely subjective mate

what i think u guys need to realise more is that we arent teenagers who can just play shit for the sake of playing it for hours on end even if we arent that fond of it. a lot of us have lives, a lot of us have jobs, a lot of us have commitments and quite frankly if we think the video game is dogshit then we're just gonna admit that and move on

i consider a consistent s2k fest to be dogshit. it doesnt and hasnt felt like an rp server ever since i got back from being banned (the second time) and with the amount of personal investment i put into it in the early stages - despite having already previously vowed to never waste time on nebulous ever again - i can't lie and say im pretty fucking annoyed at seeing the state it's reached

so yes, i dont necessarily mind being as harsh as i am

but that doesn't mean im blaming anybody in particular. im not saying that staff havent worked their asses off, i know they have and ive never once argued to the contrary

that being said, again; you need to realise that, these days, if the game isn't fun then the game doesn't get played and a LOT of people are sick of the back and forth bullshit of nebulous trying to fix itself over and over again - so yes, quite often, it's just a case of "server is shit. cba working out why. seeya."

im sorry bro but nebulous is way past its use-by-date; a good chunk of people arent willing to spend the time being constructive and fixing shit anymore
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Apr 26, 2016
During Heavy Snow you had both sides practically begging for a break in the fighting because the S2K was getting dull, so staff forced them into taking a break through the temperature system. It didn't last more than a few hours before people took to the forums to complain how bored they were of having to sit and do passive (or attempted to force people to give them guns in the case of the conscripts).

Or in the case of C24 recently, when people took "the city is a warzone" and actively pushed and pushed and pushed until all of the fun was sucked out of most engagements for both factions - and both sides had people guilty of doing this sort of thing.

Staff can do absolutely everything in their power to provide a platform for roleplay but if players actively resist it - and quite a few have since launch - there's not a great deal more you can try except keep trying.
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Sep 25, 2021
Complaining aside,

these past 2 days have been great fun, the Contract system is very much preferred over the weekly Agora raids IMO, I've got to work together with characters I haven't interacted with before, it was a ton of fun ☺️ Granted, the first contract wasn't all that difficult, fighting Antlion NPCs never really was - but you don't need every contract to leave you feeling on the verge of being PKed, second contract I took part in was super intense though with the player-operated bandits, I loved every second of it

I know it's not a system that can last forever, but I'm loving it so far! Keep it up!
Apr 26, 2016
During Heavy Snow you had both sides practically begging for a break in the fighting because the S2K was getting dull, so staff forced them into taking a break through the temperature system. It didn't last more than a few hours before people took to the forums to complain how bored they were of having to sit and do passive (or attempted to force people to give them guns in the case of the conscripts).

Or in the case of C24 recently, when people took "the city is a warzone" and actively pushed and pushed and pushed until all of the fun was sucked out of most engagements for both factions - and both sides had people guilty of doing this sort of thing.

Staff can do absolutely everything in their power to provide a platform for roleplay but if players actively resist it - and quite a few have since launch - there's not a great deal more you can try except keep trying.
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Apr 26, 2016
Complaining aside,

these past 2 days have been great fun, the Contract system is very much preferred over the weekly Agora raids IMO, I've got to work together with characters I haven't interacted with before, it was a ton of fun ☺️ Granted, the first contract wasn't all that difficult, fighting Antlion NPCs never really was - but you don't need every contract to leave you feeling on the verge of being PKed, second contract I took part in was super intense though with the player-operated bandits, I loved every second of it

I know it's not a system that can last forever, but I'm loving it so far! Keep it up!
ive just found out there is a contract system, that is hiding in discord
awesome bruh moment
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