A broadcast heard by many rebel fighters across the region yesterday.


GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016

Your radio sputters out some noise- not the usual jabbering of voices, someone different.
At first, it's crackly, jumbled mess.
But eventually. You hear them clearly.

Greetings to the liberators of the world: fighters, doctors, cooks, engineers, and refugees trying to escape the dying, yet dangerous claws of the Combine.

This global radio frequency will serve everyone as a reliable source of information. The kind of information that will save lives or change them for the better - it is hard to come by for any information these days, as it is usually passed in-person. Keep in mind the fact that the struggling Combine zealots are also listening to this frequency.

No radio frequency is ever truly secure from any eavesdropping. Even encrypted ones.

Let us begin.

The European Continent is currently suffering from an extraterresterial biological threat that is slowly but surely spreading, sourcing from the ruins of Bucharest, Romania. There are reports that the infestation had reached the borders of Serbia and Bulgaria, and is being combated with to prevent further spread. Avoid the Romanian borders at all costs - the dangers there outweight any benefits.

The remains of City 17 are still uninhabitable, with radiation pollution and portal storms making it a hell on Earth. Despite all that, Combine activity has increased on the outskirts of the city - the dying remnants trying to hold onto their past elements of global power. Lambda forces will endure and continue to fight them, helping any passing-by refugees.

The liberated Geneva welcomes everyone into it's arms, as it has become a safe haven away from the Combine and Xenian threats. Lambda is proud to report that it has become a stable city with a prospering society, one that can live under a peaceful sky - free of oppression and ominous presence of the Citadel. Reconstruction efforts are still ongoing, but basic needs are fulfilled.

There are reports of heavy Combine activity on Kaliningrand and Poland, specifically surgical strikes on Lambda outposts that are there to help point the way to Zelenogradsk, an evacuation point for all fleeing refugees. We are officially announcing that Zelenogradsk is no longer an evacuation point - the path to it is a great gamble of people's lives. Anyone who is close to Zelenogradsk, you best make it now, as the last ship will leave in January - otherwise, seek safety in any Lambda outpost that you can find. A group of skilled people named 'The Reclaimers' may also help you in this.

This concludes our sharing of information. There is no schedule as to when our next broadcast will be, but before it does happen - you will know. Right now, I would like to say the next before we sign off-

Remember these words...

A brief pause, a deep inhale. Then:

The mere existence of humanity is a sin in the Combine's ideology.
And in their eyes, we are nothing but a stair step towards reaching their endless desire of reaching a total domination of our Solar System.
But the truth of the matter is...
We were meant to be the ones to dominate our own Solar System.
In just fifty years, we had jumped the gap from learning how to create airplanes to creating and launching crewed spacecrafts into space.
This is a proof of the fact that we are capable of so much when united together.
The destruction of the Combine's Citadel is equivalent to us launching our first rocket into space - the Combine's global power has been challenged, and we are winning.
Remember these words, and your hope will never be lost.

Long live the liberators.
Death to tyrants!

credits to antlion. This was an IC radio broadcast by them.