

Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
my man, please dont copy steamdiscussions/reddit/forums-talk as if you talk from experience.

if you actually play the game, experience it, spend the 70$ then refund it if u wish,
but experience it, then talk from experience
you'll see that the game is legit demented.

all bethesda games, are exploration encounter + story type of experience.
I play all bethesda titles, no one more than me expected a bethesda title.
This bethesda title that was teased endlessly about being open world exploration, which you can assume to expect it to be open world, that's what i expect from bethesda, dont we all?

the surprise is, there's 0 exploration aspect in this game, especially 2023-wise, ZERO INNOVATION, infact it stepped backwards big time.
not visually, not graphically, not interestingly, and not in the uniqueness of encounters.
i've never seen something as shit as this coming from bethesda after, paying and experiencing it.
F76 had more openworldness + exploration incentive than this

why do you talk like this


Apr 26, 2016
my man, please dont copy forums-talk as if you talk from experience.

if you actually play the game, experience it, spend the 70$ then refund it if u wish,
but experience it, then talk from experience
you'll see that the game is legit demented.

I have very much been experiencing and enjoying it though because I didn't go in based on the hype - I went in wanting a fun Bethesda game.

I respect not everyone is gonna share the same views on the game but having people come into this thread like "LMAOOO YOU SPENT MONEY ON THIS? YOU'RE HAVING FUN??? Can you not see how SHIT it is???" when people are remotely positive is silly.
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barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
no mans sky's whole drama was that the game's promised procedural generation was capped, thus the giant creatures u saw in trailers and terrain was smaller.
overtime they redeemed themselves, big time.
but the lie was nothing but a cap they decided to put, not a false hype about features that never existed.

also, they never promised multiplayer, multiplayer came as a surprise.
but the planets were still traversable. the terrain was lavish.
the BIG comeback is that they enriched the game af, with new features every season. still do to this day

starfield teased and rubbed my cock with procedural generation open traversed planets, i got barren LIMITED BY BOX boring 1 fps planet with rtx 4070ti,
infinite loading screens, cannot fly in ship for real unless its a skybox in some space box,
cannot actually control ship within the planet but its a mobile decorated base/space box plane.

i've never seen such a scam like starfield in terms of what they promised. It turned out to be just a sci-fi game in vaccum atmosphere, asking for 70$ for a rather mediocre experience, if we forget the false teases. They legit lied indirectly over n over.
especially for bethesda. can you imagine this was developed ever since skyrim, in secret? it must be a big lie in itself too.
mad, it made me appreciate NMS even more.
your suggestions suck dogballs
"you dont like this rpg? play an open world sandbox game like no mans sky" a game that also failed spectacularly and was a steaming pile of shit up until 5 years into development after promised features (which were supposed to be there at launch) came around and is a completely different genre of game

coming off the backs of their older titles, this is a bethesda game through and through. if you liked oblivion and fallout 3 this is a cool return to form with innovative ideas and consistent quest-writing. this is not star citizen (TBR 2052)

If you want a true roleplaying game and you don't like the bethesda formula which is fair, play Baldur's Gate 3 - you're not going to find a more involved roleplay experience in a recent singleplayer game release.
If it's the space exploration aspect you're missing, hopping from planet to planet and discovering hand-crafted worlds and new ideas, play Outer Wilds (Not Outer Worlds)
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Apr 26, 2016

I have very much been experiencing and enjoying it though because I didn't go in based on the hype - I went in wanting a fun Bethesda game.

I respect not everyone is gonna share the same views on the game but having people come into this thread like "LMAOOO YOU SPENT MONEY ON THIS? YOU'RE HAVING FUN??? Can you not see how SHIT it is???" when people are remotely positive is silly.
ah, if you played, very well.
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a bad memer
Apr 26, 2016
stop having fun i dont like it so you dont like it !


May 9, 2016
i was thinking about playing this game when game pass goes for a quid but then bethesda had to get imagine dragons to make a song about it
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The Underdog
GTA RP Playtester
May 7, 2016
Finished the whole Crimson Fleet storyline siding with the fleet and it was really good... only then I had the realization I had to return to the boring fucking main story. Had an actual Skyrim flashback, classic Bethesda. If you haven't done this questline I highly recommend it, whoever wrote it did a good job, especially when you
find the legacy
the atmosphere was great.
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