Recent content by muskratt

  1. muskratt

    Vortigaunt Leave of Absence Thread

    Character Name: Nah'Voka Length: Probably not going to be on for a few days or a week or so, I don't really know when I can find the time to. Reason: Classes just started for me again and I won't have much time to play during server pop, when I am not as busy I will be able to play.
  2. muskratt

    Suggestion shift the server focus away from s2k megabattles on this map, and make the combine more RP-oriented (for now)

    no add back third person i literally cannot play this game or exist in this plane of reality without it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. muskratt

    Accepted muskratt's Vortigaunt Application

    Steam name: muskratt Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101508310 Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I have been a Vortigaunt on Reunited Gaming. Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? Yes. Character Name: Nah'Voka. A name that proves impossible to pronounce for most humans, so they tend to call...