Serious When you navigate through Community Servers


Jul 3, 2016
Once Alex Grist told me, something along the lines that:

Yeah, there may be people that take our scripts and re-upload it for their own server.

But lmao.
We just make our stuff better, fuck them.

Also, people don't just stay on a server because of the scripts. I mean I agree, scripts are nice and all. They add mechanics and stuff.
But it's not the final say.

The staff on a server, makes the final impact.
You can have shitty staff, that abuses powers and all. Which would ruin the experience for regular players.

Garry's Mod is a good example to learn about a lot of things. Regarding "Scripts and Owners".

There's so many YouTube videos, that expose racist staff and whatever. It's crazy.

Now here are some of my words.

Server Wars

You have two servers. Let's say SCP: RP ones. Both have good staff and good scripts.
But one of the server owners, can always be greedy. Going over the limits, where they decide to DDoS the other server or worser.

That server owner doing that, should not deserve their own server. Because they can not be happy with what they already have.

Concept of: The server has good scripts, but the staff is shit.

You join a server. There are good scripts on it. But the management is shit. And manipulative.

What are the options one can take?
Well, just make your own server!

Maybe even rip of their scripts or redo them.

However, what says that their playerbase would play on yours.
Well with time, I suppose.

I used to consider that fact, but to also ignore that fact.

Instead I rather fight for people.

Concordia Gaming had toxic staff. And I still get recognised in SCP: RP servers for it. Sometimes good sometimes negative.

I made threads on their forums, talking about it. I never broke rules to achieve anything. I rather say I'd done other mini-mistakes.

But I was successful with whatever I was doing. Because they came back to me, and told me that they agree'd with what I said. That it was full of toxic staff members.

Their community went down. I do not know whatever lead to it. If it was staff internally fighting between eachother, or else.

But, if we'd view it hypothetically. Their community went down. But if there'd be no other SCP: RP server. Where would the people that you fought for, go?
You didn't offer them back anything.

I am not always successful, with what I want to achieve. Sometimes servers just can have a good shield to keep their unfair pay2win and other strategies with psychological measures going.

That's why the approach of creating an own server, would be better.

There's nothing wrong with having opinions. But when you mistakly insult someone or etc. you'd just do something wrong.
And whoever gets the same ideas, should acknowledge what I am saying. That's the purpose of this thread.

Group Zones

In a community server. Other players get to play with other players. Where it could happen that they become friends.

And there can be a group of friends. Maybe a group of those friends might even become staff members.

Those friends could also be seen as small server impacting deals. Some can have their own intentions or beliefs. Maybe good or bad, like racism or something.

But when standing between a server and their community. You'd also be fighting against people that could be a group of friends.
Some of them might not even care about the server, they just play. But all of these things are small details, that have a sense.

But these group of friends, can be based and etc.
But they could also be controlling the server or the server owner. Influencing other peoples decisions.

As example, a racist staff, can manipulate things and achieve that everyone they dislike gets removed.

An owner can misuse a developer and remove the developer, once they achieved their scripts.

That's pretty much about it.

Staff and etc. are people. People can be hard to change.

Scripts are not people. They're made by people. They can be changed. (Unless the source code is so shit)

But always stay cautious of server owners that act nice, but then just take everything. At that point it can always be hard to figure it out beforehand.

That's why you should think very carefully.
Last edited:
Apr 26, 2016
step 1 Navigate through community servers

step 2 find the mod Go Fishing 2

step 3 enjoy

ref pic