Regarding The Incident At Outpost Flywheel - GTC Press Report

A. Vaher

I make events of varying quality
HL2 RP Administrator
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2021
Date: 23/11/23
Issue No. 7287
Author: 'Control', 'Engineer'

Yesterday, within the limits of Outpost Flywheel, located on the coast of the Baltic Sea, combat broke out after members of Civil Protection arrived investigating the bombing of one of their external fortifications. Upon arrival, they harassed customers and threatened the attendant, becoming increasingly more hostile. Civil Protection proceeded to form a perimeter and disallow anyone from entering, most notably including GTC personnel. One guard attempting to gain entry to the building was hindered and then detained by Civil Protection[1], before he managed to get inside, at which point the negotiating party of Civil Protection unholstered their weapons and trained them on all individuals within the trade-post. A GTC mercenary describes the Civil Protection members as, 'highly uncooperative... [they] barged their way in on the armory to 'investigate'...' The GTC guard refused to put away his weapon as he had already been detained and did not feel safe as there were several individuals in the building who were armed and unfriendly. The situation escalated, at which point the guard relented and was immediately tied and disarmed. The attendant of the trade post was also pulled from behind the counter and was initially co-operative with Civil Protection, until he was attempted to be forced down[2]. Not submitting to being put down as he was unarmed and argued he did not need to be detained, he was shot by a member of Civil Protection, hitting the floor. He immediately radioed for backup, and was then shot again, fatally. Alarms began to go off after being triggered as a result of the attendant's alert to GTC members. It is notable to state that throughout all of this a singular member of Civil Protection attempted to coerce his fellows into being peaceful and continuously advocated for a non-violent solution. A responding party was dispatched from the bunker with the aim to de-escalate the situation or eliminate hostile targets. Resistance members within the area investigating the alarms were engaged by Civil Protection members and started a firefight outside the perimeter. GTC personnel coerced the Civil Protection to leave the building to respond to the outside combatants, at which point they reluctantly exited. GTC members 'Control' and 'Mastermind' investigated the scene, gathering information and immediately coming to a verdict to remove all Civil Protection members from the outpost, and to at a later date investigate the particulars of the member(s) who began the altercation. GTC Divisionary 'Control' announced over loudspeaker for all individuals to leave the outpost perimeter, regardless of affiliation or outside factors, with a period of 30 seconds before GTC personnel would open fire. Civil Protection, either desperate or seizing an opportunity, attempted to rappel atop the roof, at which point a GTC guard engaged them, beginning the GTC's involvement in the conflict. From a vantage point on the roof, GTC personnel scored several kills, amounting somewhere near 6 in total. At the end of the engagement, GTC personnel went into lockdown, waiting for a retaliatory attack which did not come. Resistance members in the area captured a member of Civil Protection, and executed them. The GTC neglects to comment on this action. A current draft of new outpost protocol is in the works for how to handle Combine as a whole, as after the battle during a construction job, Civil Protection, and afterwards OTA appeared on the road ahead of the outpost, engaging workers and GTC personnel in combat. Current drafts of Combine policy suggest heavier set restrictions, with a maximum of three Civil Protection members to enter the outpost at a time, leaving their weapons at the gate[3]. OTA are being considered for a more lenient policy as it is likely their involvement was in response to the deaths of the members of Civil Protection who engaged the construction team. Current rules allow for a weapons-free policy on all Combine who come within outpost limits, creating a no-man's land on the road leading to the tunnel. It is regrettable that this has occurred, as the Combine within the area were considered a valuable trade partner before the incident.


[1]Personal account from GTC Guard details incident at Outpost Flywheel.
[2]Eyewitness accounts detail shooting, killing of trade attendant.
[3]Control suggests referendum of Outpost Flywheel trade policy.
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