Suggestion @playsong module


spooky skellys
HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Dec 13, 2017
Suggestion: Maybe if it doesn't take too much time.. it might be worthwhile revisiting the @playsong module.

My proposition is to modify the script slightly so that it does two things:
- It no longer starts at 50% volume, instead it will start very quietly at 0%, or 1%, to be decided...
- When a @playsong is posted, it comes along with its own automated helix script /announcement describing
"Use the context menu (C) to interact with the volume".
It just makes it look nice, and uniform so that no matter which member of staff plays the song, it will always come with the same default announcement.

Why it would be worth adding: Currently when a song is played through the command, it begins with its volume at 50%, sometimes causing a lot of pain in my ears because YouTube videos, as is in their nature, are all edited and uploaded by different people, so the volume levels don't always equal out, leading to a lot of unhappy players and staff members! Quite a rude surprise.

Necessary content:
dev sweat
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