L.A.&F Files


Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017


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Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017
If u wanna be on the relations, pls tell me here, otherwise I forget :(


Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017

He has been on quiet a journey for some time now. Going ahead when the word came, taking a few things with him to make the journey easier. On some hijacked train a few things came to mind, along this song. The wasteland looked as grey as always, with a few spots where people would gather. Each stop, he remained at the train, just his destination in mind. It took about a day, perhaps two - including the stops. Some stops before the final destination, he jumped off.

Marching through a small forest, which could barely be called like that anymore. Most of the terrain has been ripped apart, the city just a few kilometers outwards north. One could see the lights and here gunfire from time to time. It seems they are fully committed to the plan. As he got closer, a few ways formed, paths being overgrown by some exofungus. He got more careful step by step, before he saw the outer perimeter. Taking hold, he glared over the area with his binoculars, first an hour, then two... three. Nothing. Then night came, slowly turning the skies red, then black - only the city lights have been left.


Going down a tunnel, it started to become clear that this place has been left for a couple of years now. Most of the area is littered with equipment meant to contain the outbreak, but there was never a real big effort, work must have been ended unexpectedly. The suits and engineers have been left behind, dead and consumed. While he walked past most of it, searching for an exit towards the topside, he couldn't help but notice some of the dead bodies. They were shot up.

As he reached the exit towards the top, he was relieved. Taking a few deep breaths of better air than down there, along seeing some moonlight, was quiet a refreshment. Another song hung in his head, going up and down - it seemed he focused more on the songs he was able to remember than his surroundings. Thankfully, that wasn't to betray him right now. Going through the streets, it seemed that the path was already known - although he sometimes had to take a different route. Barriers blocked the way, locks blocked some doors - but the forcefields have been downed atleast.

This place is a housing district - a pretty good one it must have been. Most doors are dragged open, things strewn about and old symbols of the Civil Administration plaster the walls. This time, there are no bodies, only broken doors.


Going a few streets in, passing disabled forcefields and moving past deactivated cameras, he made it to one apartment block. It looked not as pristine as the other blocks or houses, the apartments within are surely smaller. The front door was still unlocked, the biolock was forgotten by whoever entered it last. Dust covered all surfaces, a forgotten place. His steps were most careful now, looking over every corner. Nothing but dust, left appliances and some broken doors.

Going upstairs, floor by floor - he stopped at the fourth. Taking cover against a wall, he glanced down the hall. It was clear so far. He moved down the hallway, stopping in the middle of the floor - and reaching over his back. It seems there was one companion to be had.


Putting down the tripod and activating the sensors, it seemed his friend came to life. Swiftly, it started scanning into the direction where he just came from. A watchful eye down the hallway, as he started to turn his attention to the door. He stood quiet and watchful, quickly starting his procedure. First up, he ran his hand on every corner, every line of the door - looking for something it seemed. Right after, he reached for the biolock, opening it up. It was long empty, not moveable. It was a small surprise that the door was closed at all.

Taking out a combine battery and connecting it to the lock - it came to life again. With a few wipes, it unlocked the door - making quiet a noise. Opening the door slowly, weapon facing downwards, he scanned the opening for strings and wires.

He opened the door - giving it a quick look in all silence - only the scanning of the turret was stilled heared. Most stood in place as it was, pictures, the TV - some cups and clocks. He slowly moved down, checking left and right, weapon ready. There were... he looked closer - bullet casings on the ground. Quiet a few of them. The door to the left was leaning in - he gave it a quick push.

Two dead, quiet accurate. The Transhumans had no time to react it seemed, they didn't fire a single round from the looks of it. Scanning the rest of the bedroom, he moved to the window back in the living room, then the kitchen to the right. It was all clear, no other bodies were in the apartment.

It seemed that this apartment wasn't as dusty as the rest of the block - something went down a while before. For the search, he started in the bedroom. On the right side of the bed, the night table, dust wasn't present anymore. Something was moved, he thought - surprised and curious. Looking under the bed, on the bed and in the nighttable he coudln't find it. It was gone, the picture was gone.

His head turned around quiet a few times, his movements less calm now - he seemed in a hurry. The other night table - quickly taking a look inside. The box inside, it seems to hold something, was opened up. Not cracked - but the code was used. Carefully the box was opened - the contents missing. The bedroom was emptied out, someone took what was left. Moving over the dead transhumans, he noticed that they had been looted too.

In the living room it was no different, most things are missing - aside a small flag next to the TV. It was folded in, a symbol forgotten. He left it there for the moment, going down towards the kitchen. Desolate and emptied, it was looted... but there! He couldn't believe it! "Tony!" he muttered with quiet some joy.

It was a plant, a cactus that had a pot written with 'Tony' on it. It was the first time he made any noise. Quickly - and carefully, he secured 'Tony', holding him closely as he moved from the empty kitchen. He sat down on the couch, looking at the broken TV - it catched a bullet.

"Tony, haha - Buddy, you knew I was coming for you, didn't you?" he asked the plant. "I've brought you some water, I've got you." Pouring some of the water he had left - and he'd surely need himself - towards the plant, it seemed the dirt 'Tony' had was just as thristy. "You know who made it out too, huh? That's right - haha." Speaking with the plant, his eyes gazed around the place. Aside the speaking, one could only hear the protector outside, it kept watching.

His eyes wandered, taking off his mask, goggles and helmet. A few deep breaths. He got his buddy with him, he must have had a hard time. But the water will do him good. As he has sunken in different times, his eyes wandering, his mind playing the same old songs over and over again - something struck this daze. Something was wrong with Tony. He had a note stuck between the dirt and the pot - his eyes growing wider.
"What's that Tony, did I leave you with this?" he asked his friend as he reached for the note. His silver eyes flickered over the note as he read it - his face looking like he is shocked.

He yelled out, he screamed and laughed, getting off the couch, jumping around alittle.
"Ahahahaha! I knew it - I knew it! God damn it! I knew it! - Tony, why didn't you tell me? Hahahaha!" The man hugged the plant carefully - but it was interrupted. The turret started shooting, pulse rounds were flying.

But he had found his friend. And even more.
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May 7, 2016
Updated/removed relations that are like months old and don't express L.A's current relations, please poke your nose in and post if you wish to be added.

I'll properly spell check and fix it later
Also retconning a decent chunk of L.As history, I've been putting off for a few months so expect him to be
-more experienced
(That'll change when traitor gets around to it)
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Level Design nomad
Apr 26, 2016
what does LA think about that Bird looking motherfucker.


Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017

Strong for Two

Frank sat there, in the ruins on the highest level. His eyes stared at the sky, a silver shimmer - but still, they seemed empty. The occasional radio call didn't interrupt him, he was elsewhere. He remembered the little he could. And his thoughts trailed off.


The local Citadel. The birds and the clouds... amidst the smoke and ruins. The smell of death around every corner.

"John, I know you can hear me." Frank muttered while gazing over. "This is not what we wanted. Or what we wished for. But these are the cards we have been dealt." He turned around for a moment, looking around the desolate place. "I know I need to be strong. For you and me. You know how hard it is John, I don't know how we even made it past the purge. And now? How can I?"

A smoke was lit up. The tobacco burning up slowly as it was drawn away. A few tears formed up, displaced and irregular. They kept coming. It took a few years for them to find a way.

"I never thought of death, I thought he couldn't get to us. I thought we were always a step ahead." Frank muttered to himself. He ashed to the side, his hands shaking in a terrible way. "I can feel it, John. It's coming back. I got all your names in my head, I cannot forget it. And it draws me closer home, closer to our brothers. It got me thinking brother. It did." In a whistle and hum, Frank remembered a song. He kept playing it in his head from now on.
"It's hard to dream, brother. Can I keep dreaming?"

We are soldiers


"What did we do it all for? We are soldiers, John, but... we both only wanted peace." The smoke was drawing to a close, so another had to be lit. The sunshine blinded his sight, but he didn't need his eyes right now.

"I feel that your death has been in vain, brother. All of our deaths have been. We killed so many in the name of the greater good. And so many of us died in these times... what for, John? What did we die for? It is still man against man. We kill ourselves, and I wonder if they havn't been right. Perhaps we are not worthy. Perhaps humanity cannot be saved." Reaching for his sleeve, he pulled it up. He glared over the tattoos he had there, in silent memory. Right now, only his tag hung from his neck, not a tattoo yet.

"I don't remember anyone who could heal my wounds, ease my doubts or reinforce my faith. You gave me the strength to pull through hell. I will tell you one thing, brother." He ashed to the side again, nodding to himself before he took out a small booklet.


And there Frank sat, alone now. There was nothing left to do, nothing. But somewhere deep inside, he had some happiness. Where it came from, he couldn't tell. It just came to him.

"Brother, the time I spent with you all, it was the greatest time I had. You may be all gone, but I remember each one of you. I remember your faces, the laughs we shared and the dreams. We all hoped together. I am so grateful for that. And I will love you all forever."

"I have found peace now, John. We looked for it for so long. But I have found it."

"I will see you soon."
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Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017
removed all relations, ask if you want your relation to be public :) New log soon tm


Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017


Le Déserteur

Frank sat at the table, his hands carefully adjusting the radio infront of him. Small little buttons and some digital displays show all kinds of information. Channels, frequencies, range, interference - it's all sophisticated and being operated on. A cable leads upwards, next to the planning wall, connecting the radio with a relay.

The planning wall infront of him has different notes and papers pinned to it. Some are maps and sectors, different locations marked. But noteably, nothing is written there, no notes given to anything. For those not familiar with the matter, this could be anything really. A few devices are on the right side of the table. Any trained radioman would be able to recognize this gear, but for others it would remain a mystery. A light hangs over the table, weak and yellow. It glows dim and flickers sometimes, a show of age.

Then there was Frank himself, bags under his eyes and his beard starting to grow into all directions. He took his gloves off while tuning the radio, the hands dirty and scarred. He listened to the music playing, his voice humming alongside it as he sometimes closes his eyes. The song was french - and it seemed like he had no idea about that language, yet he seems to know the song rather well. It wouldn't be the first time he has listened to it. His eyes reflect the light, a watchful glimmer.

<:: Command - - Command, do you - - - copy? ::>
Frank stopped with the fumbling of the buttons - a short stare given.
<:: Command, do you - - - ::>
Quickly, the frequency was written down, one of the devices to the right started to work. There wasn't much else after, as he redirected the input to one of the other devices. He started to fumble again... and time passed. By that time another song played.





Nothing. Nothing for now. Frank just let the music play out, leaning back into the broken chair he got himself, closing his eyes and rolling his head alittle. His hands went off the radio. They reached under his vest and grabbed something hanging on a chain, hidden well in his hand. His thumb rolled over it a few times which seems to easy him. Time passed, perhaps a few hours. He tried to sleep.



<:: ... ::>
Another crackle? Was that a transmission? Frank got up, getting a pen ready.


<:: .-.. / .. / -- / . ::>
Swiftly written down, he started to take a look. It wasn't long until he got his sheet to check it. Once written, his eyes flimmered up it seems.
<:: Authenticate. ::>

<:: Stand by 2 mike. ::>
<:: Lima Zulu. Border. ::>

<:: Reauthenticate. ::>

<:: Echo Romeo. Waste. ::>

<:: Authenticated. DRIFTER, we've been trying to reach you for
14 cycles now. You have been BLACKOUT. ::>

<:: I am aware, sir. Prepare for priority
transmission. ::>

<:: Awaiting transmission... ::>
Frank started to work quickly, reaching for his PDA, swiftly attached to the second device on the right. He locked the cables into the next - and then the next. The machines started to work quickly, one of the devices showing the progress of the datatransfer. Byte by byte.
<:: We made contact with Romeo Xray. Prime included.
Hotel Victor Tango Alpha was relocated into C45.
The grid is FUBAR, sir. I expect sector loss within the next months. ::>

<:: DRIFTER, repeating transmission.
Romeo Xray, Prime included.
Hotel Victor Tango Alpha active at 45.
That correct? ::>

<:: Affirmative. All correct. Prime got portal access. ::>

<:: CIRCLE copies all. Stand by. ::>
Frank seems to be swift to get the next sheet ready. The datatransfer was done by now, a small green lamp starting to glow.
The once relaxed visage turned into a slightly stressed one, his finger tapping on the table.

<:: Prepare to mark. ::>

<:: CIRCLE copies sector loss. Reclaim is negative. Proceed with secondary. We still got multiple objects to recover. Proceed with 32 UNIFORM DELTA NOVEMBER 08245 38134. We see to establish contact, CABRON is enroute to support. ::>

<:: Try to maintain radio contact on priority one. ::>

<:: Location marked, CIRCLE. Proceeding with secondary.
Additional report. ::>

<:: DRIFTER-1 has reestablished mainframe access.
System is nominal, tracing is at 0.
HUMINT assets within frame are two.
Compromise is low. ::>

<:: Copy that, DRIFER-1. Keep on Shadow. ::>

<:: CIRCLE out. ::>

He leaned back, the radio silent for the moment. A short breath and Frank moved over to the map, starting to mark...
There was some ease with him now. In the silence of the pit, he started to work again.
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Happy dude from around the clinic! :D
Apr 22, 2017


In the middle of a night, a truck rides over a damaged road. The lights are out, the driver seems careful enough. In the back of it you wouldn't find anything of value, anything of prestige or worth to you. It would be only two coffins, made out of cheap wood. There wasn't a flag on it, only one piece of metal decorating each coffin. There were a few bumps here and there, the wind howling on the outside. Under the light of a full moon, two men sat on the benches next to the coffins. Both of them wore the same green fatigues. One peered backwards, his rifle in his hands, the other stared at the coffins, an assortment of clickering metal in his hands. Sometimes, he would light himself a smoke, not letting go of the stare or the metal he held.

The first one holding watch was younger than the other. He had silver eyes pierce over the travelled road, a somewhat fresh face and three stripes, likely an indication of rank. He didn't say anything, always somewhat alarmed. Each bump a new possible threat, each distant shadow a potential target.

The second one hasn't slept for the past two days most likey, his eyes are sunken in, his face dried out and tired. His already somewhat grey beard spread to the corners, not kempt for some time. His uniform was decorated, ribbons and a few medals put on the chest, next to a star. He's about 47, you figure. Maybe even older. What he held was an assortment of dogtags, many of them. Perhaps 20 or more. He spun one over, then the next one, and the next one.

Two hours after midnight, the man next to the coffins started to slip for the first time, his eyes closing for just a few seconds. It must have felt like an eternity, because as he opened them again, a short moment of unawareness concluded in some shock. A glance over both of the coffins and the shock was to fade again. It happened a few times over the next hour. On the last slip, the man at the back of the truck turned in, speaking to the other with a calm voice.

"Sir, I've got them." the young man said. He seemed alittle concerned, perhaps about the wellbeing of his comrade.

The other man didn't respond, just some unusual blinks here and there. He said some more things, them just fading away. He was elsewhere with his thoughts.

Turning to the first coffin, he thought to himself...

...White was a good soldier and an even better man. He has been part of the company for years by the point of his passing. Back in the days, he was one I liked to have in any Mobile, his change to Senior Agent was coming sooner than he would've thought - if not for the purges. That we found each other was pure luck - and I have been thankful ever since. He died of teleportation sickness after coming for his brother in City 14. Many people deserve death, but not him - and not like that. There wasn't a chance to say goodbye, it just feels... off now. If I could trade places with you, I would've, at once. We walked such a long way together, we fought so many fights - I see no reason why I am to stand here now - and not you.
We both dreamed of the coming world, for so long. For what is a goal if you cannot reach it? It... hurts, that you will not see for yourself where we will go.

Farewell, my brother.
Cognito ac verum corpus.

...Mauve was one just like White of the old guard. More resigned and quiet during his duty... focused is the word. A rolemodel for any newcoming recruit, smart and direct. We didn't had the luck to meet before it was too late, my old friend. What I would've given to walk down the streets with you once more, side by side. I thought you lost back in Eight, but I was mistaken. It's my fault - because I should've looked. I should've stopped when I had a body or you. But I didn't - and I am sorry. It must have been horrible to be... without any of us for all these years, cut off - you didn't deserve that fate. Seeing you in your state of psychosis... it broke me, my head and my heart. I forgave you the moment you shot me. Because I knew your heart - and what you carry within. You were loyal until the end. I had my first episode now too - huh... perhaps my time has come. But you should've survived, you deserved it. I wish you could've met the others, embrace your family once again after all this time.

Farewell, my brother.
Cognito ac verum corpus.

You go home now. I will follow.

"Sir - you're shaking." the man exclaimed, suddenly sitting next to him. An arm reached over his shoulder, a blanket pulled around him. Rank didn't matter here. All comrades are equal in war. Tears dropped down, silently. It was getting warmer for the rest of the journey.

It took somewhat less than two days total, it was early in the morning now. The truck was empty now, only taking back the two. Stopping at the beach, one jumped out, then the other. Turning back, both offered a short salute. It was in these moments where you understood what a salute really meant and what respect it carried. Soon, the truck departed again, one man looking outside the back as he gotten back in again. There was this sorry look on his face, the man left behind trying to look brave. But they didn't have to lie to each other.

... and the morning breaks

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