Accepted i wanna play a disgusting greenskin

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Jul 29, 2018
Steam name: maxiboy2411
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:167370961
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: Absolutely none.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? Yes


Character Name: Unintelligible, nor speakable, by the human mouth. He would refer to himself as 'Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll'. He has no human given nickname, nor does he want one.
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:

Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll is one of the many millions of aliens that were beamed to Earth as a result of the Resonance Cascade. They don't want to be here, and they don't want to bother the Combine either. Like the rest of their species, they do share a mutual hatred for the Combine, of course, the defilers of their own home, the pillagers of an entire civilisation. However, unlike their vortal kin, they share just the same hatred towards humanity. Both sides of the conflict to them, are evil.

This comes about as a result of Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll's longing for home. Earth, to him, is not something that concerns him. It's as if he's being trapped in a perpetual layover from a five hundred year flight. He's still got a destination to get to, and that is his home. He fails to recognise the primacy and importance of humanity that his brethren do, seeing them as a resource, food, objects, more than anything else. They are like a headcrab to a metrocop.

Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll will be entirely hostile to both humans and the Combine from the outset. This doesn't mean I intend to go around s2k vortbeaming every bluesuit I see, however, but I want to develop this character into some sort of outcast, one that is distrusted by the civilian population, perhaps even hunted for the danger they pose. I do want to, and fully plan to interact with the resistance and civilians, however. My goal is to be distrusted, even hated, which will develop interesting relations between myself and other characters that I haven't seen much of; a disliked vortigaunt. They're always portrayed as the saviours of humanity (because big laser beam go brrrr), but I'd like to change that, and work against humanity, as well as the CMB at the same time. Their only true friends are the Xenians, who they would consider, to some degree, allies - not because they go and kill CPs together, but because they simply share mutual enemies, everyone else.

Brief Backstory:

Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll was born just like any other vortal cub. A beast tended to by the collective. The details of his upbringing were that of the standard vortigaunt, and his connection to the vortessence grew only stronger through his age. That being said, Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll always felt a sense of distrust among their species, perhaps as a result of their constant relocation, having to flee from invader to invader. Their species, far too submissive for Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll's liking.

As a result, upon arriving at Earth, unwillingly, Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll immediately went into isolation. They attacked the few humans they encountered, killing them, consuming them as if to say they were just another food source for him. Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll never acknowledged the primacy of human life in their species' own eyes, and instead, treated all members of the species; citizen and combine, the same. He is often times hostile to his own species, distrustful of their eager relationship with the humans. The only ones who he would dare to interact with, are Xenians, for they too are merely lost on another world.

His only desire now, is a longing for home, and to be left alone.

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: None.
Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

[Xenian Kinship]
I would like the ability to connect, almost communicate, with other Xenian lifeforms. I'm not sure how this works normally, but I'd like to be able to interact with Xen creatures beyond slaughtering and hunting them.

[Visions of Home]
I would also like to be able to engage in 'visions' of home, like putting on a virtual reality headset. Through great effort, Maz'Acksa'Dyaoll shifts their position in spacetime subconsciously. Their physical body remains on Earth, but their spiritual presence, for a brief few seconds, returns home. This is rarely used, and very intensive to do, requiring days of rest and preparation.​
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May 18, 2016

[Xenian Kinship]
I would like the ability to connect, almost communicate, with other Xenian lifeforms. I'm not sure how this works normally, but I'd like to be able to interact with Xen creatures beyond slaughtering and hunting them.

Granted to a limited degree. No taking them in as pets, but more or less anything goes.
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