Accepted Erkorgaunt Application

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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
Steam name: Erkor
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:17819278
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I RPed a character called Dara'Gunn during Helix's first iteration. At least I think it was the first. I know it was helix and around 2019.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide? yea

Character Name: The Mute One
What kind of character do you plan on portraying?/Backstory:

The rule of the greater masters has irreperably changed the Mute One. Although acutely aware of when its song would leave the vortal chorus, the means to its end were a mystery. In days past, this was merely a morbid figment of the future; the hypothetical end of the Mute One's physical existence only concerned it so much. After all, a mute can still listen.

Then, they drilled into its soul and tore away the ears that listened into the all. Severed from its people, The Mute One remained a subservient yet unwilling member of the Combine organism until its newfound freedom amid the chaos of the downfall of a certain holding chamber. Telepathically withered, the Mute One initially subsisted on a minimal use of vortal energies -- however, unable to sing with its brothers has severely diminished its ability. Over time, its basic needs outweighed the ever-fading silhouette that was the Vortessence.

Over time, it began to realize that to live in a state like its own meant to live in heresy. The transition was virtually seamless: First, it was a rat, or a headcrab, or perhaps the odd antlion in the deepest depths of a quarantine zone, but as City 17's downfall was exacerbated through the actions of an uncaring, unspeaking force of nature, its needs grew with the danger it was put in. Soon, it tore the life and music from the Combine as well, just as they had done to it.

The Mute One had completed its descent into heresy after its first human song-theft. Now, it was Sii-Vouch, an Essence Thief, a thing of heresy greater than any other, for vortikind shares its song among its people, while it takes these cords cut from the living and strings its own instruments.


I intend to play The Mute One as a self-made exile among Vortigaunts. Posing as a telepathic mute like many others who were drilled into the brain, it hides a dark secret that would mean its certain death. As a drilled Essence-Thief, The Mute One carries diminished vortal abilities, but utilized forbidden and sacrilegous techniques to empower itself.

The act alone is to Vortigaunts as diablerie is to a Vampire; one of the greatest heresies known to their kind.

In spite of this, however, I intend to portray The Mute One as a survivalist; one that thinks for itself, acts for itself, and speaks for itself.​

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: I have no idea. I think I'll see if anyone accepts me in-character; ideally I'd just want to mess about and find out.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

The power I would like to request is the Essence-Thievery technique.

Essence-Thievery is the act of stealing the life energies of another being to fuel one's own vortal powers. As the Mute One is unable to tap into the vortessence to keep itself vortally energetic, it would use this profane act to empower itself. While I could be stealing the essence of any old creature, I think it would only really matter if I performed the act on someone of consequence; either a killed person, or an event enemy, or something like that. I would want the act of stealing something's essence to progressively empower my character in a sense; not to make them grow in linear power-level, but to scavenge portions of its vortal connections and regain access to long-lost vortal powers.

In regards to potentially gaining or regaining powers through the act, I think I'd leave that up to the admin(s) in charge and their decision making.

I'm not entirely certain about the circumstances in regards to when I should feel essence-stealing is apt, considering there would be many situations in which I would be engaging in combat that might not be of great consequence (S2Ks and NPC-killing come to mind).​
May 18, 2016

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify:

The power I would like to request is the Essence-Thievery technique.

Essence-Thievery is the act of stealing the life energies of another being to fuel one's own vortal powers. As the Mute One is unable to tap into the vortessence to keep itself vortally energetic, it would use this profane act to empower itself. While I could be stealing the essence of any old creature, I think it would only really matter if I performed the act on someone of consequence; either a killed person, or an event enemy, or something like that. I would want the act of stealing something's essence to progressively empower my character in a sense; not to make them grow in linear power-level, but to scavenge portions of its vortal connections and regain access to long-lost vortal powers.

In regards to potentially gaining or regaining powers through the act, I think I'd leave that up to the admin(s) in charge and their decision making.

I'm not entirely certain about the circumstances in regards to when I should feel essence-stealing is apt, considering there would be many situations in which I would be engaging in combat that might not be of great consequence (S2Ks and NPC-killing come to mind).​

Granted. If other vortigaunts find out about your essence-thievery antics, they will have PK auths on you by default.
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