Accepted Chezburger's LSPD Application

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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017

Character name: Chester B. Berger

Date of birth: 04/29/2001

Briefly describe your character's background: Chester’s originally from Florida and has an almost cult-like obsession with patriotism and the United States. Whilst likely unnerving on its own it’s not his sole personality and simply serves as the metaphorical shove for him to do some of the things that he does. His friend Keegan has been a faithful pal and the both of them tend to do everything together, including move to Los Santos. Whilst they have split apart to pursue different career paths, they both keep in touch regularly, be it in person or not.

Why do you want to join the LSPD? (IC & OOC): ICly, Chester wants to join the LSPD out of a desire to help others and create a sense of trust within the community for a police force in a world where the scrutiny on peace officers becomes ever more overbearing, justifiably so. While this isn’t necessarily the most outlandish claim for an aspiring police recruit, he doesn’t intend to falter on his initial ideals and succumb to corruption. In the world of Los Santos this could very easily put him in someone’s crosshairs, and end his career pretty quickly.

OOCly I like law enforcement and aspire to be in it and whilst I know this likely isn’t 1:1, it’s an interesting little insight into the world I’m going to end up finding myself in.

What are your character's short-term and long-term goals within the LSPD?: Chester’s short term goals would be to probably become something akin to a field supervisor, outside of the restraints of a desk. He’ll never truly aspire to anything more than that.

Long-term, he would like to see the community he serves build a trust within law enforcement. It all depends on the people he interacts with, it won’t happen overnight, and it’ll certainly be a long-term commitment. There is a small part of him that would possibly be interested in transferring to the FIB if the opportunity ever arose.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?: A handful, but the majority of my roleplay experience comes from here and small friend-oriented projects I’ve ran.

What is your time zone?: EST

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal: I do, yes.

Are there any additional details that you would like to share? (optional): Nothing currently.
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Loves QA testing
Head Staff
Premium Member
Jun 10, 2016
Thank you for applying to join the Los Santos Police Department.

We are pleased to welcome you to the LSPD. You will be granted access to the Los Santos Police Department forum where you can familiarize yourself with any important information posted there or simply ask any questions you may have.

Before we start your induction into the LSPD, please provide us with your discord username in this thread and make sure you're in the nebulous discord.

From there, you will receive further details on your induction.
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american idiot
Sep 5, 2017
Thank you for applying to join the Los Santos Police Department.

We are pleased to welcome you to the LSPD. You will be granted access to the Los Santos Police Department forum where you can familiarize yourself with any important information posted there or simply ask any questions you may have.

Before we start your induction into the LSPD, please provide us with your discord username in this thread and make sure you're in the nebulous discord.

From there, you will receive further details on your induction.

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