May 18, 2016

HUGE thank you to
@Numbers @'77 East @Rod @john for helping out w/ the insane propbuilding & everything else

Not entirely sure how I feel about this one but I hope the ambition of the concept was done justice to.

Sorry for the slip ups and voids, shouldn't have happened so often.

@OneClassyBanana @Erkor @Pyromaniac @Provingmedusa
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kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
Fuckin’ loved it. Easy 8/10.

I heard afterwards there were some concerns around the pacing being too slow, but I don’t think so at all. I actually wouldn’t have minded having a little bit slower of a burn so we could really explore the profoundly esoteric qualities of this not-place.

That might be my one note of disappointment, that being that we didn’t get more chances to fuck around with the weird physics and ontological shenanigans and theorems and sweet sweet cosmic horror put forth by the (excellent) environmental storytelling.

But everything felt great from the ground. The action was well choreographed and applied tastefully, the soundtrack was phenomenal, the fucking prop and scenery work was PERFECTION. I cannot stress enough how fucking gorgeous this event was.

Yeah. That’s about it. I think it was really sick and felt self-contained while still playing a part in the overall storyline. Plus the inevitable trauma conga was a nice treat. Poor @Erkor.

I got an achievement for landing on a welcome mat from sixty meters up, too, so that was nice.
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Scourge of Antlions
HL2 RP Administrator
Dec 25, 2017
You said this one was going to be even more ambitious than the last.

You didn't disappoint.

Before I get into the actual feedback, I'm so thankful to you for letting me participate in this event!

The Pros:

The propbuilds and the atmosphere was outstanding. The almost constant use of differing types of music really hit it home that we're not on our "own" planet anymore. I felt isolated and foreign.

The story and concepts you made here were super unique. The whole human battery room and the interaction with the Vortigaunts and the HEV guy was really harrowing.

The way the event turned out and the events that took place inside of it really let people run wild with their personalities and dissonance phases.

I'm not sure if other people got it but I received a couple of directed /itd's relating to my dissonance traits which was a nice touch but unfortunately I couldn't really capitalize on it from this event.

The Cons:

The slip ups and voids will never really bother me and they're bound to happen to people, can't perfect every single detail.

The amount of suicide houndeyes at the end got a little excessive. Those guys do an insane amount of damage and considering the sheer amount of aliens that were coming down on us it was virtually impossible to stop them before they entered the tight space.

From the top of my head, that's it. Stunning event, easy 8/10 as Classy said above, keep up the wicked work man!







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'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
I'm not sure if other people got it but I received a couple of directed /itd's relating to my dissonance traits which was a nice touch but unfortunately I couldn't really capitalize on it from this event.
Yeah I was the one flying around handing out /itd's to people when I wasn't on a character.

Played the HEV guy, a vortigaunt and one of the antlions (that attacked the snark nest & that rushed you in the temple section).
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
I think this was great! I already relayed that in person to @'77 East and @Appetite Ruining Kebab, but as far as "official" feedback goes, I can only say that this was a really nice little experience.

The Xen-adjacent atmospherics were incredibly well built, and more often than once did I notice a looming structure or crystal in the distance and go "holy crap that's fucking massive". Although Source as of late has really liked to blow out every color possible for me, it didn't negate the visual fidelity by that much. Some of the crystals - due to the sunlight hitting them - effectively became pure, headache-inducing white, but that's not really something you can fix on the fly anyways.

I also liked the callbacks to Black Mesa, and while my character wasn't able to pinpoint the origin of the "BMRF" acronym, or the H.E.V. suit, I liked it a lot. What I liked more, though, is the cameos of X-8973 and R-4913. Incredibly nice touch.

I'm one of the opinion that, as long as the dialogue is written well and serves to enhance your understanding of what's going on, it's got a place within reason. In pressing escape once or twice, I managed to spy the (in the chatbox blocked) /op chat, and saw some worries about it by the event-runners; I think, personally speaking, it's fine as long as it has a point -- and I didn't think it overstayed its welcome here.

East's directed emotes were an incredibly nice touch, especially as we reached the end of the event. The slowly building dissonance and insecurity from witnessing what very well might have been her own death in another timeline and the holes in her memory being confronted gave me some interesting ideas, moving forward. I'd probably have accepted the Vortigaunt's offer if my character wasn't predisposed to hating them, too; I think that entire little exchange in the device's holding chamber was really nice.

The subsequent battle felt tense, as well; both the emote fight and the ensuing S2K afterwards. I packed relatively heavy, but by the time we reached the Kingpin to return home, I was down to about three reserve pulse cartridges and, like, one battery. The directed emotes during the closure were a nice, hard-hitting crown for the rest of the event: I enjoyed every moment of it, especially for its runtime.​
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May 18, 2016
I also liked the callbacks to Black Mesa, and while my character wasn't able to pinpoint the origin of the "BMRF" acronym, or the H.E.V. suit, I liked it a lot. What I liked more, though, is the cameos of X-8973 and R-4913. Incredibly nice touch.


I was hoping someone would notice

I figure that in a timeline where they re-industrialized and walked back into the shackles on their own accord, they'd adopt their old numericals as a way to better classify themselves in the great machine. That & losing any abilty to speak human languages whatsoever through decades of isolation from mankind. The "deformity" of their appearance (besides me shamelessly wanting to replicate hl1 vorts even more) is something I imagined was a side effect of prolonged shackle use (it was likely sapping their essence in part to help replicate nihilanth's revival) but this time around it was seen as a grim duty, not a begrudging slavery.

Also H.E.V guy is a shameless ripoff from one of Laidlaw's articles about cut HL1 content: (@'77 East)


There's some more incredibly interesting xen lore in the rest of this
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