Recent content by Gyarik

  1. Gyarik

    ‘The Underground’

    map for tomorrow (no extra content needed)
  2. Gyarik

    Denied Eddie Jay Westgrin's PK Appeal

    I was one of the PA on scene, the reason we did not go further with details is due to the fact this was a player PK. Namedropping is generally frowned upon unless we're 100% sure this is not going to get an appeal (or a possible appeal gets denied) I don't have a say on the appeal other than...
  3. Gyarik

    What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days

    This is six months after the 7HW pal, get your facts RIGHT
  4. Gyarik

    Habitation Project Seventeen | Early Days Launch

    Not necessarily what happens. You're free to use (or not use) your Prelude character as you see fit for their lore :)
  5. Gyarik

    John Smith [WIP]

    what the fuck is the man who sold the world doing here
  6. Gyarik

    HL2RP² Character Epilogues

    A letter was left somewhere not far from the coast of Kaliningrad, inside an abandoned shack. There is no obvious signature written on it, however a date appears before everything else. "16 - 03 - 2024" It has been a long while since the last time I had any chance to write. Although I feel...
  7. Gyarik

    Garrison 3.1.4 - Super Events and Endings

    Fuuuck, this makes me wish I had more time and chances to interact with OBC after being transhumanized (bar the lengthy discussion SWORD-4 had with DEFENDER-8)
  8. Gyarik

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    vort beam doesn't instakill OTA on full hp/armor :)
  9. Gyarik

    Suggestion Wartime Progression Overhaul

    I'll keep this short since I can't bother with using forums on my phone. I love the idea and how it's presented, we should definitely see how it can be perfected to fit the current state of the server and, one day, make this actually work. While it would fix the issue with s2k being, as of...
  10. Gyarik

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    I forgor to take screenshots until the end :( Thanks to @Provingmedusa and @FreeSpy for helping!
  11. Gyarik


    I was not part of the event organization but reading every piece of information I was also genuinely convinced that the outcome depended on the players, and I also knew how the event should've gone in both cases, at least indicatively. I was an OTA during the event mainly as to oversee the same...
  12. Gyarik

    Lag issues in the HL2RP server.

    There's no space for that in this map tho, and we never did massive prop builds in the first place
  13. Gyarik

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    You got a point, but really i'm just trying to rationalize lore we (allegedly as i've been staff only halfway through this map) kept on a surface level for the players. ICly we've been saying it's one of the last or whatever, but it could as well be exaggerated statements, if not misinformation...
  14. Gyarik

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    One of the last doesn't mean it's the last though??? Plus the Combine might as well have off-city production
  15. Gyarik

    Serious HL2RP∞ Screenshot Thread

    One of the last industrial cities. People forget to add that.